49. Kiss

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[Nuri's POV•]

"I'm the one who-" "Ah Ferit, were you going to swim? What a coincidence!" We turned to find Burçu standing near the pool with a robe on her. After all these days, when I finally had the courage to tell him, she came! She dropped her robe on the deck exposing her swimsuit. It was no joke that she was beautiful. She could better supermodels.

But she was showing too much skin, "You are a woman for god's sake! Wear something decent!" I wanted to tell her. Ferit bey was staring at her in an uncomfortable way as she got into the pool. "I lost my mood. I'm going to bed, good night" he said and walked away. "Good night Ferit bey" I said as he left and Burçu stood in the pool angry and annoyed.

I was laughing inside. The poor lady wished to swim with Ferit bey and he ignored her, "Burçu hanim, do you need a towel?" I asked cheekily, seeing her cold face, she glared at me and got out. "What were you talking with Ferit?" she asked. "About the moon" I said frankly, "Why does he talk to his chef about the moon? Or are you not just his chef?" she asked in a cunning way.

"Burçu hanim, if you really want to know, please ask Ferit bey. Moreover, if you feel cold, I can bring you a towel" I said imitating her tone. Her lips twitched with anger, but she can't fire me. Also, I was mad like hell at her brother who deceived me, "I want nothing from you. Leave my sight" she ordered. "Good night Burçu hanim, sleep well" I said with a mocking smile and went to bed.


I was busy in the kitchen when Idris came running, "Nuri, come look! Abi caught a fish!" he said and pulled me over to the deck. Ferit bey was holding a fishing rod and Burçu was lazing on the chair, with her magazine. Idris showed me a grey fish in a bucket, "She is so big!" said Idris, "You are right, beautiful too" I replied. "Nuri I'll bring you a fishing rod too, we will fish together" said Idris.

As he was about to go down to the cabins, "Dear can you fetch my hat too?" asked Burçu. "Aunty, you have so many hats. Which one should I take? The orange one with the ribbon, then there is the brown one and then-" "Nevermind, I will get it on my own" said Burçu and finally got up to do some work.

"But I don't know to fish..." I mumbled when Idris had left, Ferit bey heard me. "Try with this" he said and handed me his rod. "To fish, all you need is patience" he said. I took the rod and gulped, "Okay..." I said and tried fixing my stance. Ferit bey smiled, "Let me show you" he said and gripped my hand. He nearly engulfed me in his arms as he stood behind me gripping my hands.

 "Take a step back" he instructed, his breath slid down my back. "Loosen you shoulders and firmly hold the rod, leave a gap between your hands" he said as he adjusted my fingers. His manly scent was too much for me, "Slowly swing it, and there" he said as the bait was in the water. "Now all you have to do is wait" he whispered against my ear making me tingle, as he brought his head down on my neck.

Every time he touched me, it sent sparks through my body and his scent would surpass everything else. He slowly let go, though I wanted him to hold on. Idris came skipping by, "Oh you already got one?" he asked, "No, it's okay I will take this one" I said as I took the fishing rod from the boy's hands. "This one is bigger so you can continue using this Ferit bey" and I returned his rod.

"Tamam, Idris can you hold the rod? I need to check the wheel" said Ferit bey and went towards the other side of the deck. Burçu came and sat down by then with a flashy brown hat. I slowly swung my rod but the sun's glare interrupted me. "Ah!" I heard a shout as my bait fell in the water, "My hat!" cried Burçu. I looked down to the water, my bait had caught Burçu's hat while I was swinging it. 

I never meant to do that and gulped at the water, Idris laughed in his innocence and Ferit bey came behind us "That's a new fish" he said as we stared into the water. I turned to face Burçu who was constantly glaring at me "Burçu hanim, I am so sorry. I never meant to do it" "You! What do you think you are doing? Do you know how costly that hat is?!" she started yelling at me.

With Love, Nuri [1] ✅Where stories live. Discover now