Chapter Eight

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All of us are gathered around the couch. Either pacing or sitting. All of us are pretty freaked out about all of it. Billy basically confirmed that he built an entire army of Flayed and god doesn't even know how many were created.
"Yeah but he's not building the army to spread." Mike argues.
"He's building it to stop One and Eleven." Will adds on. It kind of does make since though. Last year, El closed the gate on him. Cutting him off from the real world all together and that had to have really pissed him off. And know that he knows that there another one like her, he wants me gone too.
"He also said he's gonna kill all of you." I add on. The room gets awkwardly silent and everyone exchanges fearful looks. Nancy, on the other hand, didn't seem phased by the information but more on edge as she walks closer to the window. My eyes track her movements as she moves. "Nancy?"
"Do you guys hear that?" Her voice shaken. All of us just assume it's the fireworks popping and crackling outside. It is the Forth of July after all, but Nancy doesn't think so. "Billy! When he told you this, it was here? In this room?" She asks frantically. El and I both nod to her. Then we start to hear it. The stomps on the ground vibrating the floor. Will feels the fear at the back of his neck, warning us that the Flayer is close.
"He knows were here." Will informs us all. Jonathan and I make eye contact before julting up out of our seats and straight outside to see where the Flayer was. The spider looking enemy of ours comes into view from the distance, viciously knocking down trees as it comes closer. Practically scaring me into submission. I didn't see it's entire body when I was captured by Billy and the Flayer was already terrifying. Know that I can see it completely, my fear is even great.
"Get into the house now!" I shout at them and they all give me dumb founded looks. "GO!" I yell and all of us, but Jonathan and Nancy, go inside to board up the windows and doors. It may not do much but better safe then sorry.
"Get away from the widows!" Nancy demands as she grabs her shot gun.
The cabin starts to rattle. Lamps start moving and the picture start shaking on the walls. The TV and lights flicker on and off. Dust and dirt start falling from the ceiling. All of us look around at our surroundings, preparing for its next attack.
The sound of wood breaking fills the air.
The next thing we see is one if it's many arms tearing into the house. One of its claws goes straight for Eleven but before it could even touch her, Jonathan attacks it with the axe in his hand but fails to cut it off.
The room fills with the sound of gun shots as Nancy saves her boyfriend.
As we are getting attacked, half my mind is out of it and the other is in as well. Is billy here too? It's seem that where ever the flayer goes, he goes too. It's selfish of me to think of ways to save Billy for my own benefit, but it's hard not to have my brain drift into the state of mind where it only knows the love I have for Billy.
As I'm distracted, two tentacles come into the house from two different sides. They're about to take a chunk out of Eleven and I but we manage to stop it before it hits us. The both of us are trapped in between them. I can feel the panic in her body.
"Eleven, calm down." I say in a soothing but stern voice.
"I can't." She's cries out in frustration. I can feel her power getting weaker. The tentacle inches closer so I take over. She falls back and I rip them off myself. I take a deep breath in and turn to her to see if she's okay.
I reach out my hand to help her up but she's grabbed by her leg and pulled off the ground.
"ELEVEN!" I shout as I try and grab her. She slips from my fingers but Mike got her just in time. I link on to him and pull as everyone helps. Lucas cuts the Flayers tongue off and she falls to the floor. I rip the claw off and watch it as it crawl away. Eleven stands and screams at the top of her lungs.
I take a deep breath and stand up before the flayer. Since he's right in front of me, I can use my power against him.
I adsorb some of his strength to weaken him. When he starts to sway back and forth, I raise my hands and rip his body in half. I fall to my knees in exhaustion. He has a lot of strength and because I took more then I can handle, my body is taking the hit.
Everyone just stares at me with blank looks. I'm guessing my use of power was a shock to them.
"It not time for starring! Help me up!" I yell at them. Lucas and Jonathan help me up and starts to run wild. Once we get into the cars, we leave.

We pull up to a gas station so they can tend to Elevens wounds and I peel off to find things we can fight with. Not only that but to just to think.
All I wanted was a normal summer with my friends and the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'd always go on and on about how we would move to California and spend a few years on our own. Will we ever get to do that now?

"Stop it!" I whine as Billy laughs at my idea. "I'm being serious." The both us are cuddled up in my bed as I fiddle with his fingers and I talk.
"Okay okay. Keep talking." He says softly as he plants a kiss on my forehead. I feel my body warm up at his touch.
"We will move to California together and we will have a house by the beach. When the sun is going down, we can go and walk along the warm sand together." The thought of it makes me so happy. The idea of being with him in such a beautiful setting gives me zest for life.
"You've really thought this out, huh?" He says in a joking manner. I roll my eyes and sit up. I place myself on his torso. Facing him as he's laying down. He grabs my hand and I playfully pout.
"Yes, I have. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Do you not want to?" I ask softly. I look at him in the eyes and see that he's a tad bit offended.
"Baby, I mean... yeah. I do."
"But you just don't want to go somewhere else with me then?" I can hear the unintentional irritation in my voice when I ask. But it's bothering me deeply. I've never felt this way about anyone before so it's hard not knowing what he's thinking. Especially when he doesn't let me read him.
"I don't care if we go to California, Hawaii, or freaking Antarctica. I just wanna be with you. Only you." He gently slides his hands up my thighs. Putting a bit of pressure to his touch, instantly making my mind and body relax. I let out a small moan of relief and look back down to him. "Don't ever doubt that, you understand?" He asks. I smile at him blankly but he wants a verbal answer. He grabs my chin and I snap out of my trance. "Do you understand?" He asks yet again. I truly smile this time and say yes. I let my body rest on his and let him rub his hands on my back.

I would kill for more moments with him. Wether they are bad or good. I'd take them all if I could.

My mind runs wild on our way to the mall. Nancy told me at the gas station that Steve, Robbin, Dustin and Erica are still there. We have no idea what we are getting ourselves into.

When we enter, a few men are going towards the counter the four others were hiding behind. I look over the railing and see the car under us. Eleven thinks ahead and activated it with her powers. She throws it at the men and kills them instantly. It's honestly terrifying when you realize how much of a badass she is.
I quickly look over to see if the others are okay and they are all in one piece. Nancy helps me walk down to then while Mike helps El.

"One!" Steve says as he runs to me. He engulfs me into a hug and I hug him with the same amount of emotion.
"Are you okay? What happened?!" He asks urgently. He is a bit over baring.
"Steve. I'm fine. I just used to much of my power. I just need some kind of energy boost."
"How do you get that energy?"
"I usually get from other people. But it could result in them getting hurt too."
When Steve finally stopped babying me robin swooped me into a hug with laughter. It's scared me half to death.
"Wow! Someone's happy." I tease.

All of us quickly familiarize each other with our current states and whereabouts. All the bickering is a good little distraction before I feel Eleven in a sickly state. I turn my head to her and see her walking away from us. She falls to the ground and I rush over to her side.

One's Billy Hargrove (book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin