Chapter Two: Greetings and Salutations

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I don't really know what to do, other then aggressively chew my finger nails and pace back and forth.
The feelings I felt earlier can't be from Billy, right? I mean, that fear could have been from anyone. Literally anyone. Billy's car could have been there on accident... WHO AM I KIDDING? Billy's car was crashed into the trees. His window was cracked and everything. Shit. Shit. Shit. If I loose him, I don't know what I would do. I couldn't survive it. I couldn't.
As I'm pace around, my landline starts to ring. My head shoots up and I bolt for the phone. I ram into the wall then quickly pick up the phone.
"Hello?" I say into the phone. I don't get a voice but I do hear breathing on the other end. "Oh my god. Billy! Is that you?" My voice shakes as I ask. I don't get a response yet again but I know that it's him. I can feel it. "Billy, what happened? Wh...where are you?" I ask. The phone call goes flat and the phone itself electrocutes my ear. I jump and throw the phone out of instinct. I grab the phone again and try to call his house but the phone wasn't working. I smash the phone into its holder and scream. The phone rings again and I pick up again but no one is there. I just hear Billy speak. His voice is muffled so I can't hear clearly.
"I said what do you want!?" Billy shouts. The phone goes out again and I involuntarily start to cry.

Last night, I couldn't sleep. My mind and heart was spinning. I haven't heard from Billy, or seen him at all. It's like he was wiped off the face of the earth.
When I get out of bed, the first thing I do is call Ms. Byers, tell her I'm sick and need a day off, then go straight to Max and Billy's house. Maybe Max knows where he is or he may even be at home...sleeping in bed...peacefully. Hopefully.
When I'm pretty much a quarter away from their house, I see Max skateboarding down the street. I stop my car and peak my head out the window.
"Max!" I call out. Max's foot stomps on the ground and she turns to my direction. I wave to her and she smiles warmly. She walks over and we do our cheesy hand shake.
"Hey, One. What's up?" She asks and I sigh.
" Billy home? I haven't seen him all day and I'm just a little worried." I'm guessing she can see the worry in my eyes because her facial expression went from normal to worrisome.
"Didn't you guys have sex last night?" Max asks and my jaw drops.
"Maxine!" I say in a scolding way. She squints.
"What? I'm just asking." She defends. I look at her and open my mouth to speak but then close my mouth. Truth be told, Billy and I haven't had sex yet. Not because we're saving for marriage or anything. We just never get the chance to. Hell, him and I haven't even truly kissed yet. Every time we're about to lock lips, something interrupts us. We've done other very unholy things but no matter where our lips have been, they've never been on one another's.
"No. Uhm...we haven't even kissed yet." I tell her. She stares at me for two seconds without a word, then starts laughing maniacally.
"You and Billy Hargrove, my brother, haven't kissed?! There's no way. Even Lucas and I have kissed. Millions of times." She teases. I roll my eyes and give her a look of embarrassment. She notices my expression then sighs.
"I don't know, One. I haven't seen him. I left my house as soon as I woke up." She informs. I huff heavily. "Meet me at my house. I'll let you in so you can check." I nod firmly and she takes off on her board. I follow.
A few seconds later, I pull up and get out of my car. When I do, I see Max slip off her skateboard and it slides down the street. I rush to her side and help her find her balance.
"Are you Okay?" I ask.
"Yeah. Just a small...scrap." She says 'scrap' quietly as she looks to the side. I hear a sound come from in front of us so I look in the same direction. When I look, I see a girl with short brown hair, and a blue flannel on. Something about her seems so familiar. Like I know her from somewhere.
As she steps closer to Max and I, I start to feel something. Not a bad feeling. It's far from that. It feels like I'm getting stronger.
The girl gives me a look of confusion then finally makes it to use. She hands Max her skateboard.
"Hi." She says.
"Hi." Max and I say in unison. The girl and I exchange intense looks.
"Who's this?" I ask.
"Oh. Um...One, this is Eleven and I honestly don't know why she's here. She kinda hates me." Max says in a low whisper. I reach out to touch Eleven and she reaches out to touch me as well. Eleven grads my cheek and I grab hers. When we touch, a rush of happiness comes over me. The happiness comes out as a single tear down my right cheek.
"Hi." I say with a shaky voice. Eleven let's out a giggle and smiles.
"Hi." She says back. Max clears her throat and we both look in her direction. The both of us let each other go and Eleven looks at Max.
"Can we talk?" Eleven asks.

Max leads us both into the house. The girls go there way and I go mine. Which is straight to Billy's room. On the way there, I have a run in with none other the Noel. Billy's bitch ass dad with a temper. I try to push past him but he blocks me. I try to go the other way but her pushes me back. I was going to punch him in the face but I stop myself. I take in a deep breath and let it out smoothly.
"Get out of my way." I order. Noel just laughs at me. As he laughs, a whiff of alcohol comes to my nose and I grunt. "Sleep." Is all I say and he falls to the floor. Usually, when I make people sleepy, they just get tired but this time he knocks out. I'm not complaining though. I don't like him anyways.
I get to his room and knock on his door lightly.
"What is it now dad?" Billy asks with anger. His voice is music to my ears. The fact that he's okay makes me cry. Billy swings open his door and I see him in one piece.
"Billy?" I say softly. He looks at me in confusion and I run into his room. I wrap myself around his body and I cry into his neck. He wraps his arms around me tightly and hums. I let myself down and run my hands all over his body and checking if he's okay.
"One..." He says but I ignore him and tilt his head to the left. "One..." He says my name again. I ignore him again the tilt his head to the right. "ONE!" He shouts and I stop being a helicopter mom. I look him in the eyes and I blow up my cheeks.
"I thought you were dead." I breath out. I swallow then walk to his bed. I plop myself down. He walks over to me and squats in between my legs.
"Why would you think that?" He places wet kisses on my inner thigh, resulting in me relaxing and easing into his touch. I let my fingers lace in his hair before I speak.
"I felt your fear last night. And...I went to go check on you then I found your car against a tree. The window was broken. And then I didn't feel you anymore. And usually when I can't feel someone anymore, it means they died." I go off on a tangent. He stands up and holds his hands out to me. I grab them both and he pulls me up. He wraps his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his torso.
"I'm okay, baby. I promise." He reassures. I lift my head up and look him in the eyes.
"You promise?" I ask.
"I swear." He places a kiss on my nose and smiles. "Now, you wanna drive me to work?" He asks and I giggle. We step over his dad and walk out the front door.

When we get to the pool, I see that he starts sweating and breathing heavily.
"You okay, babe?" I ask as I put the car in park. He looks at me and half smiles.
"Yeah. It's" He says.
We step out of the car and he's about to kiss me for the first time but then pulls away. His forehead scrunches up when he does so.
"I've gotta go." He says as he pulls away even further. He turns away from me and starts to walk. I tilt my head to the side in confusion.
"I'll see you later?" I ask. He says yeah the starts to walk a bit faster. I sit on the hood of my car and watch as he walks into the chemical storage room. Billy can act really weird at times, that's no secret, but the way he went from happy to on edge...that isn't normal. Not even for me.

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