Chapter One: Billy, Do You Copy?

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I jump on top of my sleeping boyfriend and plant soft kisses along his neck and chest to wake him up. He then wraps his arms around my waist and forces my body weight onto him, kissing my ear before letting out a growled breath into it. I sigh and relax into his embrace but then push myself up, still straddling over his hips.
"Baby, they opened the mall today!" I say with extreme happiness. He runs his hands up and down my thighs while one of his eyes remain closed.
"Okay? So what?" I lightly hit his chest at his remark and he chuckled.
"Can we go? I'm done being stuck inside of this cabin!" He opens his eyes and sits up from my bed. When the blanket slips down slightly, it reveals his toned abs. Something I never get tired of.
"One." He says in a scolding tone. "You should be laying low. Don't you think?" I roll my eyes at him and wrap my arms around his shoulders.
"I can't stay here forever, Billy. No one is looking for me anymore so there isn't really any need to camp out here. I miss going outside. And I want to watch the Breakfast Club trailer." I run my fingers through his hair and lightly tug on it revealing his neck. I place small nibbles on his cheeks and a throaty grunt of annoyance works its way out of his mouth.
"Please?" I whisper against his neck. He tightens his grip around my waist then pushes his legs up. My back hits the bed and he climbs on top of me.
"Fine." He discloses. He brings his forearms on either side of my head and rests his body on top me mine. His hair creates a sort of cage around me. The look he's giving me is kind of terrifying in a good way. He moves his torso up into my opened legs and I gasp at the sudden friction. "Sorry. I was just trying to adjust myself." He apologizes. I laugh to myself because I know that it was no accident. I push him off of me and kiss his cheek before walking into the bathroom to get myself ready.
"What's at the mall anyways?!" I hear Billy shout from my room.
"I don't know. Last night, Steve told me to swing by since he has a job their at an ice cream place. Then we will watch Breakfast Club." I say back. Billy walks into the bathroom as I pull my hair into a ponytail. He looks at me with internalized anger.
"Steve?" His voice is cold when he speaks his name. I get that they had their indifferences in high school but I thought that this whole dumbass feud would have ended by now. "If this is for Steve, I don't want to go."
"Billy, I don't wanna bail on my friend and I don't want to go without you." I turn to him and look into his eyes. He sighs in frustration and runs his comb through his hair. He grabs my cheeks in between his fingers and brings his face closer my own.
"You're mine." He demands. I look to him and nod in agreement. "Say it for me."
"I'm yours, Billy." I say in a slightly annoyed tone. I plant a kiss on his cheek as he grins to himself. When it comes to me and Steve's friend ship, Billy becomes rather territorial. I don't really understand why though. He finds no competition when it comes to other men but when Steve comes up, it's a whole different story. No matter how many times I tell him that I don't look at Steve that way, he believes that Steve looks at me that way. I highly doubt it.

Billy walks out of the room and comes back with a necklace chain in his hand.
"What's that for?" He takes his golden ring off of his finger and laces the chain through it. He puts it around my neck and when he finishes, I look to him.
"Know other people know who you belong to."
"I don't belong to anyone." I say in a teasing way, knowing that it would get upset. He looks at me with a 'who do you think you're talking to' look.
"Well now you do. Now come on before I change my mind."

When we get to the mall doors, Billy grabs my hand and we walk into the mall together. Placing me slightly behind him as we walk.
Billy and I are two different races considering I'm black and he's white, but he never really cared. He knows that our relationship isn't "cool" but he's so popular that people don't dare to say anything. And you'd think that would make him less popular than before but he still wears his crown proudly. I'm
glad that he doesn't care about that stuff.

I see a messy haired blonde girl standing being the counter of Scoops. "Hey Robby." I say with a smile.
"Hey beautiful, and not so much." She says in regards to Billy. Billy clenches his jaw as they both look at each other with pure hate. Robin, Billy, Steve and I all went to school together but because we ran in different crowds, Robin and I never really became friends until summer started.
"Okay!" I cut into their death glares. "Is Steve here?" I ask and she grunts.
"Yeah." She says. "Hey dip shit, One is here." She announces. I hear a glass break from the back, I furrow my brows and then Steve falls out of the door frame. Steve pops up from the floor with a smile on his face but then that smile flies away when he sees Billy. They honestly need to put the dicks away and just make up.
"Hey, Uno." Steve says.
"Hey." I say with a smile. I go into hug him but Billy grabs my arm and pulls me away. Billy and Steve are staring each other down. If only this was some love story. They'd end up being gay for each other.
"What do you think about the new job?" Steve is in a blue and white sailor suit with a cute little hat.
"It seems fun. All this ice cream is very tempting." I gasp when I see a rainbow colored one in the far corner. "Is that Cotton Candy?!" Billy looks at me with a cocked head.
"What?! There are somethings you don't know about me, babe. My love for cotton candy ice cream is one of them."
"You want some?" Robin asks with a scoop in her hand. I look at her with star gazed eyes and nod my head. I get ready to pull out my wallet but I'm stopped by Billy slipping it back into my back pocket and paying for it himself.
"Oh and get this. Follow me." Billy and I follow Steve into the back room and out of a door that leads to a hallway. "Leads straight to the theater. You can just walk through and then get into any movie you want. For. Free. You can see that movie you've been wanting to watch."
"Can I go through here?" I ask.
"Sure, One. He can't come though." Steve snarks back. When Billy and Steve don't break eye contact for a certain amount of time, I step back and let them brawl with intense staring. It's no use trying to stop them.
"Babe." Billy says. I turn my head to him. "Come on." He says as he holds out his hand. Billy and I glide through the hall and into the theater.
As we watch the movie and eat the snacks I snuck in, Tommy H., his girlfriend and a couple of his friends walk in. Since i enrolled into school, Tommy hated my guts. He once took my only pair of glasses and smashed them with his foot. I don't know why he hates me but I don't care enough to ask why.
"Hey, Freak." Tommy says with a wink. I give him a fake smile then look him in the eyes.
"Hey shrimp dick. How your relationship going?" I ask and his smirk went away.
"What the hell are you talking about?" He asks through gritted teeth.
"Well I'm just assuming it's bit rocky considering... ya know." I pinch my thumb and index finger together and snicker to myself. He walks to his chair and I sit back in mine not knowing that Billy is looking at me. I turn my head to him and take a bite my Twizzler.
"You are the most amazing person. You know that?" He compliments and I smile. I cuddle up closer to him and then the trailer starts.
As we get five minutes into the movie, the movie screen disappears. As we wait for the power to come back on or for an usher to tells us that we won't be able to finish it, the power comes back on and people cheer but I don't. I can't focus. I feel an unsettling feeling go up to my neck and spin. Whatever this feeling is, it's not my own. It's someone else's. I slowly start to hear Billy say my name repeatedly. When he gets to the fourth time, I turn my head to him and smile.
"You okay?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah. Just a little bit cold." Billy grabs his jacket and puts it over my shoulders.

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