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    But tears were falling.

    I was grinning from ear to ear.

    But my heart was cracking. 

    Yet I also felt it melt at the same time, because he looked so happy. He had this large boxy smile on his face, the one I hadn't seen in so long. His eyes were sparkling and I loved seeing him like this so much. I decided to sit at a table not too far from the booth to watch him.

    Taehyung gazed at Yoongi with such affection. I had seen that look in his eyes for the past month. Every day he came to the coffee shop just to see him, and it made me laugh every time he ordered. He always stumbled on his words and messed up the order. He didn't even complain when he got it back. He just thanked him and turned to leave. Of course, Yoongi always said the same thing before Taehyung could walk away. 

    'See you tomorrow, pinkie.'

    Taehyung had dyed his hair pink about two months ago. He seemed to really like it. I really liked it, too. It looked nice on him. I remembered the time he dyed half of his hair blonde and the other half pink. He liked it for the first week but then decided he didn't. He took two showers a day trying to get it out. Now, with his entire head dyed pink, he went to get it touched up whenever he felt it needed it. I always loved admiring him when he went to the salon. He sat still for about an hour, staring into the mirror as he watched the barber fix his hair. His stare was always so intense. It was one of the things that made me fall in love with him. So, obviously, an hour of doing nothing but staring at Taehyung was an amazing refresher. I always sat in the chair right beside him, and I'd talk to him. 

    Now Yoongi is laughing at something Taehyung said. His head is thrown back and his eyes crinkled shut, and I loved seeing how Tae's eyes filled with admiration. 

    Now they're walking in the park, hand in hand. Taehyung is ranting about some guy at work who "purposefully" tripped and spilled his hot cup of coffee all over his white button-up. I was there to see the whole thing, the man really did trip on accident. I enjoyed seeing Taehyung get angry, though. His ranting was the cutest thing, and Yoongi seemed to think so, too. His eyes never left Taehyung's face, and they held this gentle sparkle. I kept glancing down at their hands, admiring the way they fit together so well. I couldn't help but think that mine looked nicer paired with Tae's, but theirs looked lovely as well. 

    Now Yoongi is dropping Taehyung off at his apartment. He had moved out of our apartment about a year ago, and his new one was much nicer. It was a lot more modern, it was rather pleasing to the eye. 

    I watch the two of them converse.

    "I hope tonight wasn't too boring," Yoongi said.

    "It wasn't at all, I had a great time!" Taehyung exclaimed with a large smile. 

    "I'm glad."

    There was silence after that. Nothing was said, the two only looked at each other. They really did look so happy...

    "I hope you enjoyed yourself... I'm not that great with the whole dating thing," I chuckled awkwardly.

    "I had agreat time!" he said through a boxy smile.

    "Really?" I smiled myself.

    "Of course! We should do it again soon." 

    "I'd love that."

    "So, see you Friday for that movie?" Yoongi broke the silence. (A/N How ironic. "Movie," "Broke the Silence." Fr though, I'm excited to go see it)

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