IKEA Furniture

701 16 4

Taehyung's P.O.V
    I stared down at the pile of wood and nails sitting in the middle of my living room. I had just returned from work, and this was the first thing I saw. What kind of stuff is he getting into now..?

    "Jungkook-ah!" I called out. Footsteps could be heard advancing down the stairs not long afterwards. Jungkook appeared at the bottom step, and a large smile spread over his face. He walked towards me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

    "How was you're day?" He asked before pecking a quick kiss on my cheek.

    "It was alright, I guess," I answered, wrapping an arm around his waist. "What's with all this stuff on the floor?" I asked.

    "Oh, it's just some furniture for the guest room upstairs that I grabbed from IKEA while you were at work. I left it here so I could start painting the room," he explained. I muttered a small 'oh' and nodded.

    "What is it?" I asked him.

    "It's a surprise," he answered. This made me confused.

    "A surprise?" I asked. He nodded enthusiastically.

    "Yep! And I was wondering if you'd maybe want to help me assemble it..?" He asked, hope lacing his voice. His eyes were wide and he had a small smile on his face. My heart melted at how adorable he could be.

    "Sure, why not?" I said.

    "Yay!" He exclaimed, throwing his other arm around my neck and jumping up, wrapping his legs around my waist. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him to keep him from falling.

    "Alright, alright. Let me go change and we can get started," I told him, carefully lowering him onto the floor.

♡ Time Skip ♡

    "Alright, what's first?" I asked. Kookie picked up the instructions and flipped to the first page, careful to make sure I didn't see the front of it. His eyes darted all overthe page, reading the directions carefully.

    "Okay... First it says to organize everything," he said. He sat down on the floor and began to separate the screws into seperate piles. I joined him and didn't the same thing except for the wood pieces. It didn't take long for everything to be organized into seperate piles. Jungkook picked up the instruction packet again and began to read over the next step.

    "Grab two of the skinnier, longer pieces and the piece that looks like a headboard," he instructed. I nodded and did as he said, pulling the pieces close to me. His eyes darted from the page to the pieces I grabbed, checking to see if they were correct.

    "Get six of the screws that have the flat ends," he said. I reached for the pile of screws that matched the description.

    "No, the bigger ones," he said. I put down the single screw that I grabbed and reached for the pile beside it. I grabbed six of them in my hand and pulled my arm back. The metal of the screws clinked against the gold, diamond encrusted ring on my ring finger. I smiled just thinking about the matching one on Jungkook's finger.

    "Position the headboard piece between the poles," he said. I nodded and did as he said. "Now screw the screws into each of the holes."

    I twisted each of the screws into each of the holes in the poles. (A/N That rhymes-) Once I made sure all of them were tight, I looked back to my husband sitting beside me. He looked over the page and I wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close to me. He chuckled and dropped his head onto my shoulder.

    "It says to do the same thing a second time," he told me. I kissed the top of his head before repeating the same steps I had just done. With a satisfied smile, I laid my head on top of Jungkook's.

    "What's the next step?" I asked. He hummed as he reviewed the page.

    "We have to build the bottom of the-" he cut himself off before clearing his throat. "Build the bottom of what we're building," he finished. I was still so curious as to what exactly it was we were building. Why exactly did it have to be a secret? Shouldn't I get to know it it's going in my house?

(A/N I don't know how you build one of these so I'm just gonna-)

♡ Time Skip ♡

    "Alright! We're done!" Jungkook exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. I raised an eyebrow and glanced over what we just made.

    "Kookie... why did we build a bed this small? If it's a guest room, don't we need a bigger bed than this?" I asked. "Not even Jimin could fit in this bed."

    Jungkook gave me a small smile and grabbed my hand.

    "Come with me," he said, tugging on my hand. I was confused, but followed him as he led me up the stairs. We stopped in front of the door that led into the guest room. "Open it," he instructed. I did as he said, and my eyes widened when I saw the room.

    The walls were painted a bright yellow. Tucked away in a corner was what looked like a toy chest. A large white rug sat in the center of the room. In another corner there was a bookshelf filled with children's books. Pushed up against the left wall was a tall dresser, white with pale yellow knobs. A bedside table that was similar to the dresser was pushed up against the right wall. White curtains hung from the rod above the window. It looked exactly like a toddler's room.

    "Kookie..?" I muttered, turning to face my husband. He gave me a small smile and handed me his phone, which I hadn't realised he pulled out. I carefully took it from his hand. His gmail was open. I began to read the message on the screen.

    Kim Taehyung, Kim Jungkook,

    We thank you for looking into us for possible adoption. We would like to inform you that your offer has been accepted. If you could, please come into the center on ##/##. We would love to meet you and introduce you to the children here at (Insert name of location)

    Thank you.

    (Insert information)

    (A/N I am very aware that this is in no way professional, nor does it make any sense. I wasn't exactly sure how to write it. Please don't come after me ;-;)

    I stared at the screen in disbelief. My heart was pounding against my chest, and tears stung at the corners of my eyes. I looked at Jungkook, who had anlarge grin on his face. I noticed he, too, was crying.

    "We're gonna be parents," I whispered. Jungkook laughed softly and nodded. I threw my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Tears streamed down my cheeks like waterfalls as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around my lower back and he placed soft kisses on the side of my head.

    I couldn't believe it... I was actually going to have a kid of my own... I get to watch them grow up, go to school, graduate, get a job, find love, maybe even have kids of their own...

    And I get to do it all with him...
I'm proud of the idea, but not the one shot... I personally think the writing in this one was really bad and rushed. I thought of the idea and thought it would turn out really good, but I personally don't like it very much.

I might rewrite it later. Like I said, the idea sounded good to me. I'm very disappointed in myself after this one, and I'll try to do better.

Please comment any ideas you have because I'm going through a major writer's block ;w;

Any ideas will be much appreciated!


Word count: 1327

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