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The second the clock strikes twelve on your eighteenth birthday, the initials of your soulmate appear on your wrist in bold black ink. You can't wash it off, it's like a tattoo. It doesn't hurt, some might even say it tingles. It appears in different fonts for different people, but the font matches your own initials somewhere on someone else's wrist. When you make eye contact with that person, the ink fades from black into a lovely red color. Throughout the color-changing process, you feel a similar feeling as when you first receive your initials.

Jeon Jeongguk laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was currently 11:58, and in two minutes he would be turning eighteen. A friend of his, Park Jimin, had stayed the night with him because he wanted to be there when Jeongguk received his initials. He had gotten his around two years ago, and now, in red ink, the initials "J.H.S" were very visible on his wrist. Unfortunately, he had fallen sleep around an hour ago.

Jeongguk was too excited to fall asleep. He had been looking forward to this night his entire life, there was no way he was sleeping through it. He loved every aspect of romance, and he was more than excited to meet the love of his life. He had heard several stories from his mother about her and his father, and Mr. Jeon used to tell his son the story of the night he got his initials every time he tucked the little boy into bed as a child.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt at all."


"Of course. It's one of the most wonderful feelings in the world."

"When do I get mine?"

"When you're older, Guk."

"But I want them now..."

"Patience, baby, you'll get them eventually."




Jeongguk held his breath and he focused on his right wrist. The minute hand ticked to the right and pointed at the large twelve on top of the clock. He felt a tingling sensation on his wrist for a few seconds, and it was wonderful. It was like tiny little people running all over his wrist with powder brushes for shoes. As the feeling faded Jeongguk clutched his wrist as if it would stop the feeling from leaving. Unfortunately, it didn't work. His wrist felt completely normal once again. He opened his eyes and made sure his wrist was covered before lifting it so it was in front of his face. He held his breath and slowly removed his fingers.


The three letters looked lovely on his wrist. They were written in a rather pretty cursive font that curled in different directions. He smiled at the neat calligraphy and a wave of fatigue washed over him. He stared at his wrist for a few more seconds, allowing his eyes to slowly close shut.


The bell rang, signaling someone entering the café. A boy, around the age of twenty, entered the pleasant-looking building. It was sort of a café mixed in with a library. Several couches and chairs were arranged here and there, small tables in front of or beside them. Tall shelves filled with all assortments of books were pressed against the wall, towering up to the ceiling. A ladder on wheels rested next to the wall of shelves so people could climb up and grab the book they wanted if it was too high up. The entire place had an aesthetic vibe to it, and Kim Taehyung loved it.

It smelled of coffee, pastries, and fresh parchment. New books have always been one of Taehyung's favorite scents. He was upset with himself because he hadn't found this place sooner. He walked up to the counter and ordered a caffè mocha and two danishes; cheese and raspberry. While he waited for his order to be complete he walked towards one of the shelves and began to search for a book that caught his attention. His eyes landed on a copy of "Little Fires Everywhere" written by Celeste Ng. He reached for it but was met with the gentle fingers of someone else. Both hands froze and Taehyung turned to look at the person who had also reached for the book.

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