Rogue Shadow

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"Only honour can win fights" Hiccup said standing proud, Dagur laughed hysterically and grinned baring his teeth "but you forget Hiccup, I have Astrid back on my island held captive, she's probably having more fun with my men than she" he taunted "you wouldn't dare harm her, you wouldn't risk killing her because you need her in order for me to give you Toothless" Hiccup said, slowly walking forward

"Maybe, but that still doesn't mean I won't let my men have their way with her, and let's face it, she could do so much better than a.talking.fishbone" Hiccup couldn't hold it back anymore he screamed and charged at him then with a simple use of his push ability Dagur went flying out the great hall screaming like a girl and landed in the middle of the village plaza

Hiccup then jumped and flew all the way to the plaza landing right in front of the Berserker chief who was crawling the ought the village with little strength left, Hiccup waked over to him and kicked him onto his back making the man yell in pain "where is she on your island Dagur" Hiccup scolded at him "go die alone" he wheezed breathlessly, Hiccup's body then went full rage mode as lightning bolts covered his entire body and he slammed a sword through his shoulder

Dagur screamed in pain and agony as Hiccup pushed he blade through his shoulder and into the stone ground beneath him pinning him to where he was "the only thing that hurts more than that blade going in, is that blade coming out" Hiccup threatened grabbing the sword handle "okayokayokayokayokay, ill tell you, she's on the Far East side in the punishment chamber, my men are probably using her as a toy right now" he said "now, was that so hard" Hiccup said as he yanked the sword out causing Dagur to scream in pain and begin to cry

Hiccup turned round to see his father and the entire village watching him "that's my boy" Stoick said as he smiled at him, Hiccup looked at all the other villagers who were all giving him smiles, nods, thumbs up and kissy faces from some of the girls "take him to our strongest cell and keep him there" Hiccup said, then he remembered the red plasma swords, he picked them up from the floor and clipped them onto the back of his waist belt and put his blue ones on the front

"Honour, is its own reward" Hiccup scolded at Dagur "dad, it's all yours, oh and no matter what...Astrid can't know who I am she might hate me for what I've become and I won't lose her" he said as he called Toothless who came running over and licked his rider "I'm okay bud thanks, now come on we've got to save Astrid" he said and with a mighty roar they took to the clouds and races to Berserker island at breakneck speed "if only his mother could see him now" Spitelout said as he walked up to. Stoick "aye, she would be proud of him" Stoick said with a large smile


Tears fell down Astrid's face as another rape came to an end "don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from tonight" the guard said, they had given the girl quite a beating during their session, she had the words 'slut, whore, bitch, slag' all over her body carved into her skin, the guards walked away and locked the door to her cell

Astrid crawled over to her cloths that were thrown in a corner and began to dress her self, she then saw a bowl at the door, she forgot that after every session the guards leave food for her, it tasted like dragon crap but she needed to stay alive, she knows Hiccup will come for her but until then she will just have to put up with the relentless torture

She got dressed and ate what she could, then she sighed as she placed a hand on her abdomen "I always wanted a child...........but not like this" she said as she started to cry, yes that's right, she conceived a child through rape

She cried for hours on ed until she cried herself to sleep, that night she slept peacefully and there were no late night rapes either, she probably had the best night sleep since her first day in her cell


Astrid's eyes shot open as a sharp paint pierced her body, she looked down and saw a mysterious glowing blue blade through her stomach, she looked up and saw Dagur smiling evilly "perfect" he growled as he smiled evilly pulling the blade out and brought it down on her head

Astrid gasped as she woke up breathing heavily and sweating alot "it was just a dream, oh thank Thor" she said she drifted off but then the cell door swung open and the guards from last night walked in "decided to have a but extra sleep did you, oh I think that deserves some extra punishment" the guard said as he grabbed her arms and brought her to her feet "take your cloths off" he yelled

Astrid lifted her shirt off and slipped off her skirt leaving her fully naked, the men smiled evilly, then two of them grabbed her arms and pinned her to the stone cold wall "say you want this or you will have more scars than the ones you currently posses" the man growled, Astrid sobbed and tears fell down her cheek and all the way down her skin to her toes "I-I want it" she sobbed "good girl" he whispered in her ear

He positioned himself to have his way with her but the torture was interrupted as the cell door slammed shut and all the torches illuminating the room went out leaving them in pitch black darkness, the men dropped Astrid and she crawled away into a corner, foot steps and rattling could be heard around the air and then a ghostly voice spoke "you men are what's wrong with this world, you think rape is okay if the victim enjoys it" they all spun round to face where the voice came from and slowly walked forwards

"You are week, foolish, you think fear can win this girls heart, only honour can win hearts if the females" the voice said again from behind the men, they all spun round to where it was and pointed them in the direction they ward the voice "light the torches" the guard ordered "you need light do you?" the voice said "here, let me help you" and suddenly two blue lines of light appeared in the arena and showed a cloaked man with a hood and a cape

"Hello" he said "get him" the guard said and two of them charged at him, when they could strike the light disappeared and so did the man "you think you can catch a shadow, I am everywhere and anywhere, surrender and I won't kill you" he said in the darkness

"Enough, kill the girl!" the guard yelled, two guards then charged at Astrid with their swords held high, they brought their swords down but there was a sudden flash if blue, they looked at their swords and saw that the blade were gone and all that was left was the handle, they dropped them to the floor and ran out the cell

"I suggest you do the same before you end up like the guards at the docks" the voice said "who are you?" the guard yelled, there was a quick flash of lightning and all the torches were lit again! the guard looked around and saw the cloaked man again "lets say I'm the rogue shadow from your nightmares" he said as he outstretched his arms and the guard went flying into a wall knocking him unconscious

Astrid pushed her self up and ran to the door but it swung shut before she could get out "NO!" She said pulling on the handle trying to pry open the door but it wouldn't budge "you're welcome" the man said behind her, Astrid turned round to see the man holding her cloths out to her with his back turned

Astrid took the cloths and quickly put them on "who are you?" he said "I'm the rogue shadow, protector of Berk" he replied, he turned round to face her but his hood covered his face so Astrid couldn't see who he was "wait, you're from Berk? Did Hiccup send you?" she asked "you can say that yes" he replied

"Come, you're going home" he said and the door to freedom opened for her "Hiccup's dragon Toothless is waiting for you at the docks, I used him to get here and now you will use him to get home to your friends and family" he said as he turned and looked at the sleeping guard "what about you?" Astrid said

"Ill be fine, now go, Toothless wont wait forever" Astrid nodded and walked out the door "thank you, for saving me" she said and ran to the docks to find Toothless and just like he said he was waiting on the pier "TOOTHLESS!" she yelled happily, she ran over to him and hugged him "oh you have no idea how happy I am to see you" she said as she climbed onto his saddle and managed to fit her foot into the tail controls

She opened the tail and took to the skies heading for Berk, heading home, heading for Hiccup







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