Rescue Plan & Showing the Village

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On Berserker island Alvin and Dagur were discussing a battle plan to get Hiccup and his NightFury for themselves and be able to use them against Berk

"We need that boy here so we can get the dragon" Alvin scolded slamming his fist on the table "in good time Alvin, he knows I have her and where she is so he is going to have to come for her or ill kill her" Dagur said examining his axe with his feet cross legged on the table

"You harm her without my word and I will end this alliance Dagur" Alvin said gripping his fists, Dagur sighed heavily and put his axe back in its holster "fine" he said and walked out the room


Hiccup was on edge more than ever and he was lifting things up with his powers, heavier than anything he has ever lifted before, he started with large logs of timber, then he tried boulders then he tried ships and he was now lifting the chains of the academy up towards the cliff above them without using the lever supports

He dropped it and the chains came falling down with a huge crash, chains rattled and rock cracked, Hiccup was panting and week so he sat down on a near by barrel and caught his breath back "You're going to really hurt yourself one of these days Hiccup" Hiccup looked up and saw all his friends walking towards him "I can handle it" Hiccup said rubbing his head with his hands

"Yeah, sure you can, that's why you're rubbing your aching head isn't it" Ruffnut said placing her hands on her hips "look yes it hurts but I need to know how strong I am" Hiccup said jumping off the barrel to his feet nearly falling in the process "you're pushing yourself too hard cousin, you need to stop this" Snotlout said to him

Hiccup hated it when Snotlout made sense but he knew he was right, he was doing things that strained him and it wasn't healthy "go on a flight with Toothless, work in the forge or do something that won't involve you over using your powers" Fishlegs told him as he placed a hand on his shoulder looking him in the eye

"Ill be in the forge if you need me" Hiccup said patting Fishlegs on the back as he walked past him and made his way out the arena towards the forge "wow, Astrid's kidnapping really has bummed him out" Tuffnut said "yeah, let's hope when he can focus again he will come up with a battle plan" Ruffnut said as she watched him walk away with a very depressed and worried look on his face that said he blames him self

Hiccup arrived at the forge a while later and Gobber was hammering away at a sword singing his usual forge song "I've got my axe and I've got my mace and I love my wife with the ugly face I'm a Viking through and through" he sang happily, Hiccup chuckled and smiled as he walked in with Toothless behind him "ahh so you finally decided to show up for work eh" Gobber said putting his hand on the table, leaning on it

"Sorry I've been....buissy" he said softly as he picked up his apron and started to fill in orders and fix damaged weapons "Fishlegs was right, this is just what I needed" he said as he cracked his signature smile and carried on pounding a sword

A few hours later Hiccup had some time to look at Boark's archives and he came across something that caught his eye "Plasma Blade?" he looked at it and it looked like a normal sword but the blade turns a glowing blue colour when activated

"I was experimenting with a sword when I came across a dead NightFury, I wanted some saliva to study it but when I did my
Sword began to glow bright blue and it could cut through the thickest rock, this requires nerves of steel and a calm and quiet mind to handle this weapon"

Hiccup sighed when he saw the dead NightFury part but when he saw that it could cut rock he knew he had to make this, this is going to be his weapon of choice

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