But then again, I wouldn't get to hang out with Kiri and-

Wait, hang on- what the fuck?

A sudden frown twists across my face like I've bitten into a sour lemon. I've got no idea where that thought came from. He's... ok. I guess. And I don't mind hanging out with him, but it's not like I'd be disappointed to not see him. So where the fuck did-

I'm abruptly jerked from my thoughts when a hand frantically waves in front of my face. I blink a couple of times before turning to see Kirishima looking at me, an eyebrow raised. I must've been tuning out whatever he was talking about.

"Hellllooooo? Earth to Bakubro? What are you spacin' out about there, buddy?"

"Tch- I..." The previous thoughts filling my mind flit across my consciousness briefly, and I clear my throat, ignoring the sudden rise of heat to my cheeks. "Nothing, idiot."

He gives up after a moment, turning away to babble on about something else- which I'm more than grateful for- the embarrassment of the moment fading since the unfortunate truth of the matter was that I had technically been thinking about if I would miss him or not, but he doesn't need to know that since I obviously wouldn't miss him.

Why am I still thinking about this?!

Silence, odd for the circumstances, surrounds me and it's unusual enough that I stop and look back, realizing I must've walked past him- to see that he's just standing there behind me like he doesn't know if he's allowed to come along or not. God fuck, why does he look like a kicked puppy?!

I grumble, "The fuck you doing Shitty Hair? Get back here." and don't have to say it twice before he catches up to me, a tentative smile spreading across his face.

"So I'll take that as a yes?....."

I sigh in painful defeat, already regretting my decision. I manage to mumble, "Fine, whatever. I don't care," although I can feel myself aging by just the thought. I'll have to check in the mirror for grey hairs tonight.

He lets out a loud whoop- definitely too loud for the school hallway- that bounced off the grey linoleum walls, pumping his fist in the air. "It's gonna be so awesome just wait I've been listening to them for years now and you're gonna absolutely love them!" He rambles, and drapes an arm over my shoulders, steering me into the classroom.

He babbles on, but my focus immediately narrows down to the point of contact, my shoulders tensing. I can feel the heat of his arm even through two layers of fabric. Ever since he started calling me his friend and I stopped... stopping him, I guess, he's been getting almost... clingy? It's strange. I'm not used to such blatant displays of affection from someone... or anyone, really. Most people don't even want to be around me, much less this close.

I mean he does it with everyone so I know not to read into it too much; I'm pretty sure he's just naturally cuddly.

Wait wait wait... God FUCK it, I'm doing that thing again where I think about Kiri for much longer than is really necessary. He's a friend.

Just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why do I care so much? I've never cared about someone enough to think about them like this since...

-Queue record scratch-

I stop that thought there.

I never will again; my thoughts need to get with the fucking loop.

Why is this a weird new thing? I've gotta get myself together today, all this pining about is useless. Just because Kirishima is practically like... my first friend here, or whatever, doesn't mean anything. And since when have I ever been one for sentiment? I must have eaten something weird last night, I decide, and shake my head, clearing away my bothersome thoughts about my friend and head into class.

An Unreasonable Amount of Pilots: A KiriBaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now