Chapter 23: All Good Things

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Night had fallen, and the lavender moon was a full blown shining orb in the clear darkened sky. The air was warm, but getting chillier by the hour. Riviam point was abuzz with blaring laughter, music and cheers; all of Moonhaven was in attendance for the party.

Hung within the trees were a myriad of round and multicoloured lanterns. Several clusters of multicoloured cushions and pillows in different shapes and sizes occupied a number of areas on the ground for anyone to sit. Other spots were tenanted by mini game set-ups that were open for any to take part in.

An umpteen of broad wooden and clothed tables were set up in a circular form on the periphery of all the trees, and placed on them were hordes of food, beverages, and desserts. Stuck onto the front of the tables were frilly cut-out signs that read 'Happy Birthday' in English, Korean, and Spanish. The smallest table there was stationed near the hidden grotto, and perched on it was the most massive food item present at the party — chocolate chip pound cake encased in an equally large acrylic cake dome.

A new DJ was stationed in the center of the field, and a quirky repertoire of K-pop music resounded all throughout the town. The music choice was courtesy of Carsyn, and though it was Alex's birthday celebration, he didn't really mind. Carsyn had been the one who had sucked him down the endless hole of the music genre in the first place, and he'd been searching for months for songs to include in a K-pop playlist.

He joined her, Evan, Nyne and Jeremi by the DJ's booth as they danced without a care in the world to a hip-hop song by a Korean ballad singer. Tate maneuvered around them, getting their moves on video with a camcorder.

It was a bit awkward for Alex to keep up with the lengthy purple cape tied around his shirt collar. Nyne and Evan had suited him with it as soon as he'd stepped foot in Riviam Point. It was an exact replica of the one Storm Starling wore, from one of his favourite superhero comic book series.

"Ahgg." Alex grimaced, pain shooting through him as his ankle twisted out of place. "Damn..."

"Whoa, you okay, Lyx?" Jeremi asked.

"I think I sprained my ankle." Alex bent, feeling around the injury, wincing even more when the pain surged. "Just when I was really getting in the grove."

"I didn't think you'd really dance till you dropped, Lexy!" Carsyn chuckled. "Smooth move."

"Yeah that's me, Mr. Smooth. Just you wait, once I'm better I'll be back for my rightful spot on the dance floor — or 'ground' in this case," Alex teased.

Ziro slipped onto the scene, sliding himself under Alex's arm as a brace. "And until then, you're benched. Come on." He led Alex away towards the grotto, trying to keep balance while Alex started hopping the rest of the way on one foot.

"Till your return, Mr. Smooth!" both Evan and Nyne yelled. Tate continued recording, as a wounded Alex hopped away.

It wasn't easy descending into the grotto, but Ziro had done most of the heavy lifting, much to Alex's delight. Ziro helped him onto the hollowed beechwood log, which again, took more effort on Ziro's part.

"Thanks, Zero," Alex said, squishing his face into a look he hoped Ziro thought was cute.

Ziro narrowed his eyes and spared Alex a strained grin. "I'm not allowed to hit you outside of sparring for any reason, but I'm willing to break that promise if you don't stop giving me that look."

Alex blanched before tucking his hand into his lap and crossing his ankles over each other despite the pain.

Ziro laughed, pulling his phone out to text Lev. "I gotta ask you about something," he said to Alex, moving to sit on the obsidian rock.

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