Chapter 6 - First day of Kindergarten

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Last chapter: Siva looked down at the baby asleep in his arms and smiled. Just an overnight stay had Nathan so miserable, will Nathan be able to stay in daycare or be under the care of someone else for whole day while Siva is at the office? How will he be able to go to school? But then maybe it won’t be so bad. Siva chuckled at his own thoughts. Some time ago he hadn’t even thought about kids and now he was behaving like a typical parent already worried about his son’s future. Cuddling with Nathan on the couch, Siva let out a relieved sigh. As long as his son was with him, he would always keep him safe.


It had been a few days since Nathan had celebrated his third birthday. Siva couldn’t believe that his boy was growing up so fast. Nathan could talk, walk and be a bubble of energy as every ordinary three year old. Time was really going so fast. His boy had progressed from calling him Dada to properly say Daddy. And every time Siva heard Nathan call him Daddy, it made him feel really warm inside. It felt so good to be Nathan’s Daddy. And Siva was really proud that he and Nathan had finally bonded so well.

On one hand Siva was very glad that he and his little baby were so close but on the other hand, Siva was a little worried about how his kid would be able to detach himself from him and how would Nathan actually accept the idea of going to school. Ever since Nathan had his third birthday, the boys, Kelsey and Nareesha had been bugging Siva that it was time for Nathan to start preschool now. Siva managed to avoid that topic for about two to three weeks but he knew that they all were right. Nathan will have to go to school and starting Kindergarten right now was the best idea.

“Daddy, look I built Floppy a house” Nathan enthusiastically jumped around him, as he pointed over to the Lego house he had built with his rabbit sitting in front of the house. “That’s Floppy’s house, huh? I’m sure he’ll like it” Siva said, smiling at his son. Nathan smiled proudly at his Daddy. “Time for sleep now kiddo, we have to get up early tomorrow, okay? Come on, clean up” Siva said, hoping Nathan will not ask him where they were going. “Whewe we going?” Nathan lisped. “Preschool or kindergarten if you prefer” Siva said, waiting for the outburst to come. “No, not going” Nathan said, pouting. “Look, Nath. You’re three years old now so kindergarten is a must. It’s not really going to be that bad kiddo. You’ll have new friends. You’ll have fun there” Siva said. Nathan, still pouting, shook his head. “Nath, it’s decided. You’re going to kindergarten tomorrow morning.” Siva said, using his stern tone hoping it will work.

Well, it did work for a minute maybe. But then Nathan turned on his heels and ran to his room, kicking the door behind him. Siva winced, that must have hurt his kid. Siva heard Nathan ranting, crying and screaming. He heard words like ‘won’t go’, ‘hate you Daddy’ but other than that it was just pure wailing. Siva knew Nathan hadn’t locked the door since he wouldn’t even reach the door knob but he also knew that Nathan was sitting right behind the door so that he wouldn’t be able to open the door. “Nath, kiddo, why don’t you want to go to school?” Siva asked. “Don’t want to go. Don’t want to leave you.” Nathan wailed. Ah so this was the matter!



Siva sighed behind the door. Years before he wouldn’t imagined himself doing this for even a girl but here he was year back, sitting down to face a closed door only to convince his little three year old to let him in. “Nath, baby, Daddy isn’t leaving you there. You’re just going for the day and Daddy will always come fetch you. Open the door, baby” Siva said, in a soft tone reserved only for his son. Nathan didn’t open the door but Siva did hear shuffling behind the door which meant that Nathan had moved from sitting behind the door. Siva gently pushed the door open and found a little body crash in his feet wailing. “Don’t leave me Daddy” Nathan sobbed. “Oh shush now Nath, Daddy will never leave you. I promise you” Siva said. “Don’t want to go.” Nathan wailed. “I know. But you have to, baby. Daddy can’t take you to the office forever. You go to school for a day and we’ll see how it turns out, okay?” Siva said, as he rocked Nathan in his arms. He didn’t get an answer but it was better than the sobbing he’d been hearing since long.

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