Chapter 20 - A big setback

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Last chapter: Across the two lovebirds, the boys sat with Kelsey and Nareesha watching Siva and Nareesha with a fond look. "Finally" Jay sighed. "Mission accomplished" Max cheered. Tom and Kelsey looked up at each other with Nathan in Kelsey's arms. "NuNu mommy now?" Nathan asked. The boys chuckled. "Not so soon baby" Kelsey clarified. "But soon enough" Tom promised. Sitting across them, Nareesha and Siva had no idea that even their wedding was getting planned over there as the boys raised a toast for their mission accomplished.


It felt perfect. Life had probably never been better for Siva right now. He had finally decided to acknowledge his feelings for Nareesha and was looking forward to proposing her. Nathan was on board with this idea as he adored Nareesha. But that was all until now. Suddenly, his little one was not really comfortable with Nareesha actually being his mommy. And maybe? Well, maybe his best friend Sebastian had a little hand in that.

Nathan had been really excited with this whole plan and getting a new mommy until he saw Sebastian at school. Sebastian had been crying one day after school and when Nathan finally had enough of seeing his best friend cry and decided to bug the boy for answers. Sebastian had confessed about how his mother had found a new boyfriend and how crazy in love his mother was now. "But that's a good thing, right? You'll get a new Daddy" Nathan said. But then he listened to how Sebastian's mother had started forgetting him. Not really! But for a five year old, the thought of his mother spending more time with her new partner than her son was absolutely terrifying. And Nathan couldn't help but wonder if his Daddy is going to forget him now that Nareesha was here.

And surely things started going in that direction. It started with the little dates. Then Nathan was shipped over to his Uncles. Mostly Tom and Kelsey would take him in. It started being a repeat of what used to happen earlier when Siva was going on dates. Maybe it wasn't that bad but for a little boy it was hard to grasp the concept of Daddy needing some time alone to take his date out or plan something special. Slowly, Nathan's fear grew even more.

Siva got his first doubt about it when he once came to fetch Nathan and found his son in tears as he tried to comfort his best friend, Sebastian who was equally in tears. "What happened here? Did Sara run in late?" Siva asked as he sat both boys on his lap, trying to comfort both of them. As he listened to Sebastian saying how his mommy forgot him now that the new Daddy had come, he was surprised to see his own son nodding as he tried to comfort his best friend by himself. It almost felt like Nathan was agreeing to Sebastian. But Siva decided not to think much about it. He bounced the upset Sebastian in his lap as he quickly called Sara who had been stuck at work and decided to give Sebastian a lift back home.

He was soon going to regret his decision one day when he got all dressed ready to go out with Nareesha when as soon as Nareesha came at the door, Nathan flung himself over his Daddy, not letting go of Siva's foot. "Nath, what's wrong baby? Daddy is not going forever. I'll come back before your bedtime." Siva promised. "Go Seev. We've dealt with upset Nath before. We'll handle him" Tom said. But what they weren't prepared for was for Nathan to walk with tears as he mumbled, "You're becoming like Bassy's mommy after she met his new daddy."

Stood at the door, Siva and Nareesha could only watch in shock. Nathan who was all for this relationship was suddenly all against Siva and Nareesha's relationship. Their boy was clearly not giving his okay at all for this relationship. This was a big setback indeed.


Dedicated to everyone who still like or even reads the story.

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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