The after party

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"What time is it?" he asked. I leaned over as his back was facing the clock.

"Eight thirty" I replied.

"Oh!" he exclaimed.

Dionisis had forgotten that we were supposed to visit Gerhard's at 8! I was seeing a trend that he was either very absent minded or was diverted with my presence. I suspected it was a bit of both.

On the morning of the 8th April we had found that practise was making perfect. We lay together and talked. He had to ring his brother and it was just bliss, lying with my head on his chest whilst he spoke Greek softly. Whilst Dionisis was in the shower I made Lasagne. I was vegetarian and Dionisis was ok with that as he was for the most part, eating the same. I struggled but I managed to make lasagne on a hot plate. Magda was rummaging through things and the cat wrapped around my ankles. In the very compact kitchen was a set of baskets chained together with fresh fruit and vegetables in them. I felt very much at home here, more so than in mine. I felt an acceptance and for the first time I could breathe and be myself. I had not felt at peace like this for so long. 

We left the apartment and ventured out below.  I didn't really care where we went. The views over Heidelberg were breathtaking and walking around, well it's such a pretty place. Happiness swelled within me. I felt light and I skipped with pleasure as the hours passed by, stretching our legs across Heidelberg's many cobbled and patterned streets.

Dionisis had a chest of drawers by his bed. It must have been a store of nostalgia for him as he had a drawer of photos. He had taken some arty photographs of ex girlfriends, semi nude. He obviously loved the female form. They were held captive within these drawers.

"Can I take a picture of you?" he enquired, nervously.


"Don't worry, I won't show it to anybody"

Ok. I'm not sure how I really felt about it but I couldn't find an argument to say no.

We enjoyed the lasagne with salad. So I dressed the table and tidied up. My lasagne was my signature dish and I wanted it to be perfect and I wanted him to love it. It wasn't easy with the mismatched pans, electric hob and the lack of facilities. The romance and attraction was palpable and he bent down affectionately to plant a very welcome, lingering kiss on my puckeroonies. I would never get tired of this.

Dionisis gave the lasagne a thumbs up. This was so important to me. It's funny how we seek the approval of those we care about.

It was amazing too, sleeping next to him. Now that we were lovers we shared his bed, rather than Dionisis retiring to his flat mates room. For the first time I woke up and the first thing I focused upon was a peacefully still, slumbering Dionisis. I lay there watching him take up gentle breaths of air, relaxed and at peace too. To wake up next to him was indescribable bliss. I could just examine his face without him thinking it was obsessively odd. I didn't want him to realise how much I had fallen for him. It brings about a sense of obligation, especially at the point we had reached that I just didn't want him to feel that. We both had enough life pressures as it was. I had to trust that life was amazing and it could only get better now, couldn't it? Of course the pressures of long distance weren't ideal but I'd enjoyed writing to him so much, things could continue as they were and we could visit each other. We were only a tiny flight away. It would be exciting and fun and give us both the down time we both needed. I didn't discuss it with him as it was a bit heavy. There'd be time for all that in letters.We decided and I arranged to have the car for more days. We were up late. We made the most of being together (well we had the tools to do that and it was a shame to waste them...) and I made a Bolognese for lunch then we headed to the Black Forest. As I stepped into the car, I noticed a white slip of paper tucked into the windscreen wipers. Dionisis translated "I am from Cologne too. Have a safe journey!" How touching, I thought, and expressed it to Dionisis. He agreed it was a lovely gesture. More photo taking, I wasn't used to being the subject of so many photographs!

The Summer of '93Where stories live. Discover now