Chapter 30:A Clichè Proposal

Start from the beginning

I found mum and dad cuddling on the couch, watching TV with a large-sized pizza on the table, which was already half-eaten.

"Hey, dad." I went over to hug him first since he wasn't around when I first left. "How was work?"

"Sunshine." He kissed me on my forehead. "Work is tiring, as always."

I sat beside mum and reached for a slice of pizza.

"I love you guys," I said with a mouthful. I don't know why, but suddenly I felt like letting everyone know that. Tonight, I felt so full of life and energy.

They looked stunned for a second, looking at me without saying anything before dad broke the silence.

"We love you too, dear." My dad smiled at me while my mum looked suspiciously at me. What's their problem? I know I don't say it very often, I only do when they do something nice for me, but they shouldn't look so surprised.

"I'm going upstairs now." I dropped the half-eaten pizza and dashed upstairs, leaving my confused parents behind.

Why don't I call everyone I know and tell them how much I love them. Yeah, that's a great idea.

So I started with grandma, then Anna; it's been long I called her, then Jaxon, even Jane, and finally Alex. I kept telling them how much I love them and mostly got surprised reactions, but that didn't deter me.

"Look, I know I'm cool and all, but you should know I'm straight. Besides, I have a thing for Josh now." Alex quickly said when the first thing she heard after picking my call was, 'I love you.'

"Shut up, Alex." I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. "I just wanted to let you know. Wait, did you just say you have a thing for Josh? He only took you out for one date! What happened to your crush, for quiet Brad?"

"It died the moment I found out Josh loves zombie movies as I do, video games, and most important of all." She made a dramatic pause, "Fried chicken!" She squealed like a little girl, and I had to distance the phone from my ear.

"Yeah, he sounds like a real keeper." My voice laced with sarcasm.

"What's up with you. It's rare to receive a phone call from a girl telling me she loves me." I could feel her crunching on something as she talked.

"Oh, nothing serious." I bit my lip, remembering the events of the night. I still was a little bit confused. Was Ryan my boyfriend now, or are we supposed to talk about that?

Usually, a boy asks me on a date, and then after that, we naturally start being a relationship if we both liked each other. But with Ryan, it felt different. Like I wanted to hear him say it.

"I think I have a boyfriend," I said, unsure.

She was silent for a second, and all I heard was a crunching sound.

"What do you mean by you think you have a boyfriend?" She asked. So I narrated to her a little bit of what happened tonight while she listened attentively, still making that crunchy sound. "And what the hell are you eating?"

"Chocolate chips. Well since you both confessed your feelings to each other and kissed, I guess you're both in a relationship now." She deduced.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. See you at school tomorrow?" I asked while drawing lines on my bed with my forefinger.

"You bet you will." She answered before I hung up.

Lying on my bed, I suddenly didn't feel so excited anymore. Ryan and I did have a great time tonight, but we never talked about what we really were. What if I get to school tomorrow and I see him with Jenny, again? Or what if he didn't think of us to be more than just friends, then what? Or maybe I'm just stupid. He did tell me he loves me, so all should work out just fine, right?

The next day, I wore a black T-shirt dress, that had bugs bunny drawn on the chest, to school. I had on my favorite pink lip gloss, my hair in a loose French braid, and knee-high boot on my feet. Alex said I looked sassy before running off to God knows where.

I was rummaging through my locker when I felt someone's breath on my neck raising goosebumps on my skin.

"Hey, cupcake." A smile immediately made a way across my lips when I heard that familiar voice. The one that I hear in my dreams every time.

Turning around, I leaned on my locker before resting my book on my hand and sent a smile his way.

He looked delicious in a pair of brown pants and his grey shirt peeking under his football jacket, with his hair tousled to one side.

"Good morning," I said to him. He raised his hand, which had a red tulip between us, surprising me.

A cocky smirk on his face, he stepped even close to me.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend, Samantha Kendall?" He suddenly asked, still holding the tulip up to me.

Kids in the hallway were already staring at us in curiosity, leaving whatever they had been doing.

I slowly plucked the flower from his hand, staring at it awe. I know it's small and might even seem cliche to some, but it was just what I wanted. Him asking me to be his.

"Only if you be my boyfriend," I answered while biting my lip to stop myself from grinning like an idiot.

"Deal." He replied while I wrapped my arm around his neck and lightly kissed him.

"Aww, how cute." I heard someone gush beside us and turned to see Alex hanging onto Josh's arm with knowing smiles on their faces. So that's where she went.

"Shut up," I muttered before closing my locker shut.

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