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This is going to be a kind of emo chapter? Idk, Imma try my hand at these kind of story-writing. Also, if anyone has any feedback or suggestions for my writing, please leave a comment. I want to know how to improve... Anyways, here it is:

I kept my feelings wrapped and under control inside my heart and forced out a polite smile at the oncoming stranger. He gave me a look of sympathy and said, "I'm sorry for your loss." 

Rage clouded my vision. Sorry? I let my sorrow and all my hate channel into one single whip of my garotte, slicing off his head in one clean hit. I knelt down beside him and muttered, "Im sorry" 

Two teardrops managed to escape my blinking eyes, like two escaped prisoners crawling out of a protected prison. It had been two days since Sam had told me the news. 

Magnus had died. 

He was outside Valhalla's boundaries when his life force vanished, so there was no chance to bring him back. Even Hel had said it would be impossible, and trust me, being held by a garotte over your neck would force out the truth. Ever since then I had lashed out at everyone trying to offer me sympathy or any sort of condolences. They needn't try. I kept mostly to myself and to my room, spending the nights alone with my arms wrapped around my knees, sobbing. With the rest of floor nineteen also in an emotional state of ruin. 

Thinking so much about Magnus brought memories back of the times we spent together... Niflheim, getting an ice-cream, cuddling, binge watching netflix, heck, even going out for dates at fadlan's. And now he was gone. Just like that, the only joy in my life whisked away from me. 

My legs gave way under me and I collapsed onto the floor, I curled into a ball and pressed my face into my arms and cried. Just cried. 

And the last thought before I died from sorrow? Magnus. How I wished he was here....

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