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Hey readers, I'll be surprised if anyone responds or if anyone actually bothered to read this far, but, hey, Much thanks if you do.

OK first, do you'll like a more drawn out relationship with it growing from gradual annoyance to adoration (like familiarity by chasefierro? Its a great story, I highly suggest checking it out if you haven't yet) Or a more simple story like love at first sight? Perhaps you'll like a more intersting format like how IRL crushes turn out?

I have no idea. Well, personally I like the first, but I'm curious to hear what you'll say. Other than that, here's a bit of writing for ya'll

Magnus POV. 

Tossing and turning in bed, beads of sweat raced down my bed. I kicked aside my blanket as I once again entered another fit of panic. 

Yes. Yet another dream. This time of My father, Frey. I never really knew him personally or liked him but this dream it was him and my mother spending time together. Just the thought of both of them together being happy calmed be down. Before the dream darkened again and I felt how I envied them and wished I could spend more time with my mother. 

Basically this process kept happening and lest to say, It was torture.

Then something rudely shook me awake. 

I was thankful to get out of the dream and I my eyes immediately shot open. 

It was Alex, she had a concerned look on her face with her cute frown and lips turned down.

"Dreams?" she asked.


She sighed and plopped down on bed beside me, snuggling under the blankets and pulling them up to her neck. She gestured to me and I took the hint, following likewise. 

"Well, at least I'm here now." She said.

"You also having dreams?"

The slight nod of her head told me plenty. She also had the same problem as me...

And suddenly, before I could protest, she sidled up to me under the blanket, throwing one arm around me and essentially treating me like a human bolster. I  struggled a bit and gave off small grunts of annoyance as I tried to escape but she kept me in a firm grip, also entwining her legs around mine.

I succumbed to my fate and sighed, also turning to face her and staring into her beautiful eyes, reflecting whatever small amounts of light that escaped from the bottom of the door. It reminded me of a Kaleidoscope, reflecting each spectrum of light differently and giving off a beautiful and elegant vibe. She huffed, wrinkling her nose at the sudden uncomfort. A bolster wasn't much good now. Gods... she was cute enough to burst my heart. 

Then as if she purposely wanted to burst my heart, she snuggled up to me, curling up into a ball into my chest and I reflex wrapped my arms around her and embraced her warmth. Nothing ever disturbed us anymore for the rest of the night except for sighs of contentment coming from Alex and me just giving small yelps of complaint whenever she rolled away from me, I would just quickly pull her close again. And that was one of the perfect nights I ever had in my entire life.

Hope you'll liked it!

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