chapter 2

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Alex steamed as she stormed out of the elevator. She spotted Magnus in front of her, he was stumbling back to his room. No doubt lovesick.. its that girl...

Of course, why wouldn't he be, that girl was attractive to say the least. Even Alex's male side found her to be attractive. She was slightly above average height, her hair was midnight black, flowing down to waist height. One of the most striking things about her would be her eyes, it resembled a shimmering pool reflecting light, creating those cool patterns of color with a blue background.

The rest of floor nineteen marched out of the elevator behind her. They peered over her shoulder. "jealous?", mallory teased.

Alex slapped her. Could it be possible Magnus liked that girl?  "none of your business, mack. Which floor is she staying in by the way?" Alex asked, eager to watch out for her, she wanted to kill her. "oh, our floor." was the response. Alex whirled to face her. She saw red, first... Magnus.. now.. this...


Magnus plopped onto his bed. His mind was in a daze. He felt a connection with that new girl. Could she... No. Most likely not. Frey rarely had other children. Still...  I probably should ask her.

He lay on his bed, wondering. All of a sudden, he heard footsteps, also, a new voice, one that did not definitely sound familiar. He stepped outside. First, he saw her, darn... she really looks familiar. Then he noticed the rest of floor nineteen standing behind her. 

"Mind if we have a word in private?" Magnus gestured toward Lily, the new girl. Without waiting for a response, he walked forward, grabbed her by the hand, and dragged her toward his room. He really did not want his floormates asking him weird questions. 

Back in the room, Magnus asked without hesitation " you look familiar. Why?" "you certainly cut to the cHaSe, don't you." she smirked, clearly proud of the pun. "you know my surname. How?" She threw back her head and laughed out loud, "you really don't remember? We've met before. Children of Frey and all, He brought me to your house once." "I... I try not to think about memories about my mom.... " 

No wonder... she's my sister... " Well, do you mind sleeping in my room tonight? Floor Nineteen won't have a room ready in time. It's kinda going on overdrive preparing for Tug-Of-War tonight." Magnus wanted spend more time with his new sibling. "Why not? She shrugged her shoulders. 


Meanwhile, Alex outside was ready to explode. It certainly didn't help with that girl talking to Magnus. To add salt to injury, she heard laughing going on inside the room. Clearly having a good time together, she thought sourly. " Hey Alex, mind if Lily spend the next few nights inside my room? Until she gets her own room. And also, why are you still in the corridor?" What?! The nerve... SLEEPING TOGETHER. Alex was ready to die. She put on a fake smile, trying hard to bite back from screaming, "why not? I'll be in my room"

Time skip. Lol. Btw, check out something just like this by the chainsmokers. Thx.

Alex wandered the feasting hall. She had made up her mind to confront Magnus about the entire situation... just.. not now. Alex just couldn't bring herself to do it. In the meanwhile, better to ignore him, it'll be better for everyone. Alex almost felt like crying.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her hand. She glanced down. Who would dare.. Alex's hand was already going towards her garotte. Then she realized who it was... Magnus...

There. Nice cliffhanger right? Anyways. That's all I can write for now. I've changed my writing style so tell me if this is ok.( i personally prefer the new one) if yall wanna read a bit in my old writing style:

Alex POV.

Alex steamed as she saw Magnus stumbling back to his room.

No doubt he's lovesick, she thought. Of course, why wouldn't he be, that girl was attractive to say the least. Even Alex's male side found her to be attractive. She was slightly above average height, her hair was midnight black, flowing down to waist height. One of the most striking things about her would be her eyes, it resembled a shimmering pool reflecting light, creating those cool patterns of color with a blue background.

Alex turned around just as the other three members of floor nineteen came marching out of the elevator, chattering away. They didn't even notice her as they walked past. Jeez, was Alex this insignificant? She crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the ground, all while glaring at them. T.J only then noticed her and hurriedly tapped the shoulders of Mallory and halfborn. She walked across to them and grabbed them by their shirts and dragged them into her room. (yes. Halfborn was wearing a shirt. GaSp right? Also, yes she managed to grab three sleeves with two hands. How? IDK. Lol). She forced them onto her bed and took a seat on a nearby chair, all the while glaring at them. "Jealous?" mallory asked. Alex briefly reddened then coughed and shook her head. "By the way. She's joining our floor" T.J. said. Alex saw red, she resembled an active volcano, ready to burst at any moment and spew everyone with anger. She opened her mouth, getting ready to spew a steady stream of nordic curses, " that skreyja beiskald- Alex was cut off as the door opened, a curious voice asking "hi, anyone here?" And SHE stepped in, yes that new girl. What was her name again? Yes, Lily. How dare she, Magnus was HERS. She rushed toward her, hand already on her garotte, ready to whip her into swiss cheese. Unfortunately for her, Mallory grabbed her shoulder and pulled her backwards. She flashed a smile at Lily, " Right, you're on our floor, how 'bout I show you to your room? " Lily simply nodded, looking quizzically at Alex before following Mallory out of the room. Mallory simply smirked at them. The rest of the day passed in a blur, alex just tried to stay out of everyone's way and ignore everyone.

The next morning, she decided to check up on Magnus, she sneaked out of her room, quiet as a mouse, she opened Magnus's door. To her horror she found both of them sleeping together. Fortunately, both were at opposite ends of the bed. Alex's heart shattered into a million pieces, she simply could not take it any longer, she stormed out of the room closing the door with a loud crash, the door broke under her strength. She ran into the elevator, wanting to escape the place, her mind just went into overdrive, absentmindedly closing the door and pressed a button. As she sat down on the cold and unwelcoming elevator floor, she wrapped her arms around her knees. She sobbed quietly, did magnus just decide to randomly sleep with this new girl? Alex honestly didn't know, she hardened her heart, No matter, she cast aside any feelings she had for Magnus, they were worthless anyways. But she still had to find out the truth, she stopped the elevator and pressed the floor to go down to the feasting hall.

The elevator rocked to a stop, still shuddering, the doors creakily opened. Gods, this elevator is old, why is it not changed yet? Alex wondered. As soon as she set foot outside the doors, alex almost reconsidered, and almost wanted to turn tail and go back to her room. She soldiered on, taking her seat at floor nineteen's table. She ignored all the chatter going on around her, especially because lily and magnus were talking together. Alex waited patiently, and as soon as she heard magnus mid-sentence, she stood up and grabbed magnus by the collar and dragged him away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lily standing up and walking toward her. Fortunately, Mallory grabbed her hand to stop her. Good for her, Alex thought. She was prepared to kill her if Lily stopped her.

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