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Btw. A bit of shameless advertising here( teehee). I've got another book, Reckless, a fierrochase AU. And if u can check it out it'll mean a lot. Thx! I've been working on it for about this entire week so that's why I haven't uploaded much.

So, here, a one-shot for ya'll:

I nestled my head into the Magnus' chest, squishing my head against his soft skin as much as I could. I just wanted to stay like this for the rest of eternity. The soft fabric of his cotton shirt felt good against my skin as well as his chest pulsing beneath me, nestling my face comfortably. 

His chest was well-muscled from all the battle training but not rock-hard creating in my opinion, the most comfortable teddy bear in the world. 

Yes. Magnus chase, teddy bear since 2015

.I breathed in his scent of falafel and the scent of wild flowers when his hair fell in front of my face, making me sneeze. My eyes shut in reflex and my head tilted downwards.

"Gosh... Alex. Your sneeze is adorable." Magnus smirked at me.

"Shut up, Maggie. Let me sleep." I glared at him. 

Though inside I wanted him to continue talking, his voice was kind of soothing.He wrapped his arms around my body in response, pressing my head further into his chest. 

"Mwaggie stahp." My muffled voice came out inside his arms.

 He sighed in contentment and ignored me, wrapping his legs around my lower body like a python constricting around its prey. I sighed, I couldn't be bothered to get out, hey, it was comfortable and nice smelling. So I did the sensible thing. I drifted off to sleep in Magnus' warmth.

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