Chapter 73

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  Aunt Lin couldn't stand the successive blows and was finally carried back to Song Mansion.

Rumors abound in the capital, and there are many people in the restaurant and teahouse who talk about the murder of his wife. They are afraid and angry, and they still have differences when they talk about it.

Some people think that Zhao Nanyu's doing this is understandable. After all, Song Luan often cuckolded him and humiliated him. A woman who didn't obey the woman's way, her mental methods were still vicious, and she killed it.

Only a faint voice was speaking for Song Luan. It was nothing more than criticizing Zhao Nanyu's methods for being too vicious. No matter what, he was also his wife who had slept in the bed for many years. She was not obedient to women's ways and could be abandoned. Why is it necessary for human life ? At any rate, she was also a beautiful woman, and she gave birth to a son for him. She was so unfeeling that she did not recognize any old love.

Furthermore, even if this kind of thing spreads out, no matter how good-looking he is, where in the future will anyone dare to marry his daughter as his heir?

I don't know how much Zhao Nanyu hated this deceased wife, and he ruined his future to this point.

Zhao Nanyu is very popular with the new emperor. In just a few months, he has been in the court to eradicate dissidents, eliminate snobbery, and kill them all. Many people want to use this matter to make an article.

There is no lack of courageous civil servants who handed his wife-killing account to the new emperor. The new emperor only smiled when he saw it, and put the account aside, lazily replied a few words, "I know."

At noon that day, Zhao Nanyu was called into the palace urgently.

The crowds of spectators are all waiting for the good show.

Zhao Nanyu's face was morbidly white, and there was no blood on his lips, and the court clothes on him turned out to be quite empty.

The new emperor smiled and pointed at the zhezi on the table, and told him as a joke, "These old people really want you to die. But what you did was too brazen."

He smiled and continued. : "The reputation of killing a wife is not good to be heard now or in the past."

Moreover, he remembered that Zhao Nanyu didn't like his wife very much? In the past six months, I have been extremely concerned.

The new emperor remembers that Zhao Nanyu has been very troublesome with his wife over the past few months, even he rarely stays in the palace for a long time. The new emperor has also heard that Song Luan is not in good health and seems to be sick, but After seeing many imperial doctors, I was still helpless.

He patted Zhao Nanyu on the shoulder and sighed: "You are not an impatient person, why are you so reckless this time?"

Song Luan made it clear that his life was not long, so why did he have to use this hand? If you don't like it, just watch her die silently. Contradictory, can't understand.

Zhao Nanyu's hand was lightly resting on his heart. He seemed to be injured as well. His whole person looked weak. His eyes were dark and hollow. "She hurts so much, I can't bear to watch her continue to suffer." All

night and all night. Can't sleep, fainted with pain in the middle of the night, and woke up again with pain.

Song Luan was crying in his dreams.

The new emperor was surprised, "It's a pity that a person who was good at all fell ill

like this ." The unintentional sentence was like a sharp knife, and it accurately pierced Zhao Nanyu's heart.

WIFE CAN'T ESCAPE MTLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang