Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

In the sunset, a beam of golden light shone down and entered the house diagonally through the window. The branches outside the window swayed with the wind and made a rustling noise.

Song Luan didn't seem to intend to speak to him on his own initiative. He sat on the soft slump by the window and bowed his head to peel off her seeds. Zhao Nanyu walked over and asked, "Did Ayan say anything about me?"

Song Luan felt strange, "No, he didn't say a few words to me in total."

She disgusted her all over her face, flicked her face and lost her temper, and was no different from a wayward child, and Song Luan felt that Zhao Wenyan was mostly disdain to talk to him.

Zhao Nanyu nodded, his displeasure dissipated. He did not want this younger brother to walk too close to her. It would be better not to meet again in the future. of.

"I'll ask him later."


Suddenly, both husband and wife fell silent again.

Zhao Nanyu was not a very talkative person. He picked up the book from the bookshelf and saw that Song Luan's hands were sour when he peeled the seeds. When he raised his eyes, he saw his profile. When she came, she coughed twice, only to remember that she still had something to say to him: "That... I..."

Zhao Nanyu stared at her, "You speak straight."

Song Luan recently wanted to go back to her family. She still remembers some major turning points in the original book. Within a few months, the emperor died, the new emperor ascended the throne, the Song family was implicated because of the wrong team, and Song Luan's father was deprived. In the official post, the Song family had nothing left and the men and women were exiled. She thought of Song Heqing's brother who was so good, and she couldn't bear to watch this family ruined.

Song Luan just wanted to remind his father and brother that it wouldn't matter if he didn't stand on the side of His Highness, as long as he did not fight against him, he would not be liquidated with them in the future.

She looked at Zhao Nanyu and said slowly, "Tomorrow I want to go back to the Song Dynasty to see my mother."

Zhao Nanyu put down the book in her hand, suddenly wondering why she wanted to go home and straighten her lips, he asked: "After two days, I will go back with you."

These two days he was too busy to be idle and could not spare time to accompany her back.

Song Luan hurriedly waved his hand and hurriedly said, "No need, I just go back and I won't trouble you."

The words she used to speak were polite and regarded him as an outsider.

Zhao Nanyu remained silent for a long time, and seemed to be negotiating with her in a gentle tone. "I'm not sure outside these days. Wait until I'm free. I'll accompany you. I can't rest assured if you go by yourself."

These days, Beijing is indeed unstable.

This morning, the emperor gave up the imperial edict and sealed the throne to His Highness. The Sixth Highness, who had been in the limelight because of the marriage grant, was even more noticeable this time.

Everyone had not yet figured out whether the emperor really intended to pass the crown prince to His Highness. At noon, the palace issued two more imperial edicts, which also sealed the younger His Royal Highness and Ten Highness.

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