chapter 04

143 31 85


Nikhat was awake even before the sun. She stirred herself a cup of coffee while her mother and brother were asleep. She didn't want to sleep after Fajr, because an unknown exhiliration filled her veins. Somehow she felt fresh and giddy today but the reason unknown. Opening the window just in time for the sunrise, she let the flowing breeze in.

Nikhat was an ardent lover of sunrise. She always observed the way its warm hues leisurely spread into the sky and then adorned it as if it had some sort of conviction. It lit up the hope that in the end the darkness that draped will be replaced with light. Every being stand at a chance of finding happiness likewise.

The transformation of the colours in the sky during sunset was quite familiar to her. But today she knew something was different. The weather was a huge contrast to her joyful mind and glowing face. It looked dark and gloomy. The sun seemed to be offended by something that it decided to hide behind the clouds. It refused to let its bright rays light up everything because it appeared to be dejected. Nikhat felt a pang of angst fill her heart.

She smiled to the sky. The kind of smile you would give someone to make them happy. Yes, people who observes this would think Nikhat is wierd. But in her mind she felt a secret connection with the sky.

She turned around, adjusting her hair and taking the last sip of her coffee. Entering the kitchen, she placed the mug in the sink before going towards her room. Nikhat picked her phone up, realizing it needed to be charged. She connected the charger and left the phone on the drawer. Debating what to do next, she decided to recite the Quran.

Nikhat entered the living room with the Holy Quran clutched in her arms and sat down on the couch tucking one leg beneath the other. A few minutes into reciting it, she found herself indulged in the beautiful Ayahs and smiled when her mind found peace.

Some minutes later as she finished her recitation, Nikhat was placing the Quran in its shelf when she heard her mother yelling and shrieking.

It sounded like something bad has happened. Startled, she turned the corners in haste and knocked her parents' bedroom door.

"Mama are you alright?" She turned the knob to find the door open when no specific reply came to her. When the door opened tears were brimming down her mother's eyes and her hands were on her lips trying to stiffle sobs that left. Her other hand held a phone to her years hinting that some bad news was conveyed through the phone. Nikhat quickly went inside feeling worry enclosing her heart.

"What happened Mama?" She desperately asked.

Her mother Shahida said bye to the person on the other end as Nikhat prepared for whatever bad news was to come. Shahida's tears were more prominent now as she threw the phone on the bed standing up and turning to Nikhat, opening her mouth to say the reason.

Nikhat fell back onto the wall upon hearing it. She couldn't believe her ears. In that split second she convinced herself she had heard wrong. But it was too clear to be wrong. Her eyes widened as she reluctantly asked her mother to repeat the words. Hoping they would change this time.

"Yes Nikhat. Naura's father passed away."

The words didn't change. It was still the same, lingering in the air, making the atmosphere heavy.

Her hand flew to her mouth. She felt weary all of a sudden. The peace acquired a few minutes before was slowly trailing out as an almost inaudible inna lillah wa inna ilaihi rajioon (Verily we belong to God, and verily to Him do we return) left her lips.

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