Chapter 2

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Today is the day. I deliberately woke up earlier because I didn't want something to be missed today. I put some make up on my face after my showered, just flawless. I brushed my hair and make a simple ponytail. I choose a simple emerald-green dress which is ended below my knee, a black line in the end of each sleeves that stop on my elbow, and there's a little black belt that form into a ribbon around my hip. It's just fit in my body and would be perfect when I combine it with the glossy black heels I bought yesterday, plus my black bag. I don't want to look too much on my first day. I will meet new people today, so I want to make the first impression to them about this is who I am.

When I got to the kitchen, Suzie was already sitting there next to Dad having breakfast, even though I know she already ate, but she won't say no to my mom's cooking. "Wow! Look at you! What a confident woman!" Mom said as I swung my body to show off my new look. I can see my dad turning his head to look at me and smiling in amazement.

"Well, hello there, young lady." Suzie said in a flirting tone, made me laugh. I walk forward to sit across her and take my plate. Mom made a delicious pancake as always, and of course she prepared a milk for me. It's kind of habit that I have to drink milk before doing anything in every day. Even in my twenty-two. She said that it will make me have more energy, and I choose to drink it rather than arguing.

Finished with my meal, I kissed Mom and Dad on cheeks and go to the office. Office? Wow sounds a little bit strange that I'm already had a job now, and I'm so excited with that. Although I can reach the office on foot, Suzie offered to drive me as long as she's in London. Of course, I agreed. It would be much fun for having someone that I know very well to go to a new place, which is my office.

I'm already on passenger seat when Suzie entering her car and set herself behind the steer-wheel, then lit the engine. I turn the music on and it's Celine Dion with That's the Way It Is were playing. Suzie and I singing together, following Celine Dion, and the car starts moving. Actually, it takes little longer to reach my office by car, we need to turn around on the next block because there's a one way. But it's okay, I've timed it, so I won't be late to get there.

"Brie, you know what? Actually, I really hope that you will meet someone at your office." Suzie smirked.

"You what?? Seriously?" I nudged her and shook my head for disbelief.

"You know, 'someone'." She swayed her two fingers in word 'someone'.

"Of course, I would meet someone, even everybody there." I rolled my eyes.

"No. I mean, really someone. I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of handsome guys on that building." She acted as if she's already knows everything about my office. "And there's no way if none of them won't catch your eyes, or... maybe... your heart." She teased me, smirked.

Again, I nudge her, "Come on, dude. I'm just going to work for now. I don't even get on that building yet." I can't help but I laughed.

"Yes, you are. Here is your office, ma'am." Suzie said as she pulled the car in front of the building. "And you will find that guy." She stopped the car and winked at me as I rolled my eyes, again. I open the door and climb off of the car. Suzie pulled her window down and says, "Call me when you're done Brie, I'll pick you up."

"I will. Thank you, Suzie!" I said, waved at her. I took a deep breath before entering the amazing building in front of me. It's a skyscraper, and I'm working here! Okay, here we go. I said to myself and walked toward the lobby, confidently.

The huge glass door automatically opened as I entered the building. A security who stands near the door smiles politely as I walked past him, I smile back. From the ID hangs on his uniform, I can see his name is Sebastian.

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