Chapter 2

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| Chapter 2 - A Broken Four Year Old |

At the age of four, children are introduced to their quirks, which are superhuman like abilities that one day appeared out of nowhere. These quirks are the center of a person, they form who the person will be and how they will live their life. A quirk is everything in the world, whether someone points it out or not.

So when the birthday of a young child with wild green hair came by, he could care less about a party. He wanted to go straight to the doctor's office; where they would assess his quirk. As they sat in the waiting area, he daydreamed about all the heroes he knew, their quirks, and what he could possibly be. Through the midst of heroes that came to mind, one stood tall and clear, All Might. He wanted to be just like him, and smile for all the people who couldn't.

He always tried to be strong for his fellow classmates, and stood up for them even when he couldn't stand up for himself. That's what a hero was, and that's what he wanted to be.

But it seemed that wouldn't be the case. Izuku didn't really remember what happened after they called his name, but one minute he was happily bouncing on the chair waiting for the test results, and the next he was getting kicked out of the doctor's office, his mom and him getting yelled at to leave and not come back. He couldn't understand what they were saying but he was able to vividly hear three words. "Useless... disgusting...quirkless..."


There wasn't much daydreaming after that. His mind was full of as many thoughts his brain could handle at the time, all relating to that one word, quirkless.

Could he still be a hero, without a quirk?

The drive home was silent after that. Izuku couldn't hear them, but he could see tears streaming down the side of his mother's face as she drove. He wanted to say something to her but he felt he was unable to talk, wondering if she was crying for him, or because of him. He didn't know what to do, so he stayed quiet.

When they got home, Izuku wanted to head straight to his room, but the computer was left on from earlier and was paused at All Might's smiling face, as if taunting him. It was a video of All Might saving hundreds of people, the very thing he wanted to do. Hesitantly, he said down at the chair, not noticing his mother stay near the door she quietly locked.

He slowly pushed play and as All Might unfroze on the screen, laughing and smiling, Izuku had begun to sob. His signature catchphrase followed and it felt like a slap to the face, knowing that he'd probably never get to say such a thing while smiling. He wouldn't be able to save anybody let alone himself without a quirk. The people he had yet to save would remain unsaved, and they would never get to be told they'll be alright. How can he still help them? He can still be a hero, right?

His sobs grew louder and when his mom approached him, he turned around to see her face. She looked like she wanted to say something to him, anything at all but she didn't. So he did. He decided to ask the question that he kept asking himself, hoping she would give a different answer he had already given himself.

"momma.. can i... still be a hero?"

He didn't know what he was expecting, maybe she would say he could, or maybe she would say he couldn't, but when she instead began to cry, he didn't know what else to do but join her.

Inko all but fell apart as the tears had began to well up in her eyes. She felt so bad for her son, she wanted to say yes. Yes, baby you can but the words wouldn't come out. Izuku could still be a hero, he could. He was her son and her son could be anything he damn well wanted to be.

But that's not what came out. Instead, a shaky voice all but yelled out "Izuku, I'm sorry!" as she rushed to hug him. In his mother's arms, he felt frozen.

No, Izuku felt broken. As broken as a four year old could feel. What was he supposed to do now? Without a quirk, how could he become a hero? What could he do to help? His dad always told him a quirk made up a person. Without a quirk, what was Izuku? What did that make him? Who did that make him? What was he?

The two cried together in that pose until Izuku fell asleep. So many thoughts were running rampant in Inko's head as she carried Izuku to his room, but one prominent thought seemed to scream at her from the darkest corner in her mind.

What will Hisashi think about this?


Hello! This chapter is a bit longer! Hopefully they continue to grow, and I hope you enjoyed! Next chapter will be a bit.. uh.. angsty, so I am apologizing in advance. Thank you for reading and until next time!


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