Chapter 7

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| Chapter 7 - Starburst Scars & New Beginings |

When the green-haired child awoke, he was embraced by his mother once more. She told him what happened, or what she thought had happened and the nurse came in once again. She fixed his bandaging and cast then gave him another sticker, not surprised when he chose All Might.

Inko had waited patiently as the nurse finished her job, then went over to talk to her.

"Hello again, I'm sorry to have to meet again under these circumstances, perhaps we should have kept him in longer.." The nurse said shyly, scratching the back of her neck.

"Oh no, you're fine, I just want to ask about his condition since it, well, worsened."

"Yes, this typically doesn't happen, go ahead and I'll answer to my best ability"

Inko thanked her before bombarding her with questions such as, "will it scar? How long will he need to stay? Are any nerves damaged?  Is he permitted to learn while on his stay?  Is he in a lot of pain?" and many more.

After she calmed down, Inko was told all she needed to know before the nurse left the room. She sat quietly for a while until she heard her son mumble something meekly.

"I'm sorry dear, could you repeat that?" She walked closer to him as she waited until he repeal himself.

"I'm sorry momma. I'm so sorry." Tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he looked at his lap, not wanting to look his mother in the face.

She sighed and sat at the edge of his hospital bed, feeling the cushion dip under her weight. "Oh baby, you didn't do anything wrong, don't apologize."

"But, i wasn't strong enough. I couldn't be strong by myself. I, I'm so sorry" His small fists clenched at the hospital bedsheets, and Inko realized he was too small, too young to be worrying about not being strong enough.

"I wish i had a quirk; i'm sorry." she was tired of knowing her baby was feeling like this. Her eyes glanced back at the brown bag and the books that lied within, so she made up her mind.

"Izuku dear, you did nothing wrong," she began, moving to hold him in her arms tenderly. "Your so strong baby. You don't need a quirk to be strong. I think your the strongest little boy i know"

The small greenete sniffed, trying to wipe his tears away but they wouldn't stop coming. "But Kachan is right. I'm weak. I got hurt again and I made you worry more. I wish I was stronger momma. I really wish I had a quirk."

His sniffles filled the room as Inko debated her next words. Instead of speaking, she grabbed the bag from the floor and brought it to his side.

"Izuku baby, you know you don't have to have a quirk to be strong. In fact, I think your plenty strong as you are now." She booped his nose which got a small smile out of him but she continued. 

"You know, in the pre quirk era, people were still able to do unexplainable things. Magical things." 

Now this got his attention. Izukus sniffles calmed down as Inko kept talking.

"People were able to do magic tricks like magicians and heal sickness with no healing quirks. They were even able to change how people looked. Liiike this!" She exclaimed, making a weird face at him.

This caused Izuku to chuckle, slightly calming the tears previously running down his face.

"But momma, Kacchan said-"

"It doesn't matter what katsuki said," Inko claimed, a small scowl on her face as she thought of what he did to her baby. "Your so much stronger than him. You have no idea"

She began to reach open the bag when the door opener, revealing Evvanya with messy hair and papers held unorderly in her grip.

"Ah, did I come at a bad time?" she asked, starting to back out of the hospital room.

Inko smiled fondly as she nudged towards the seat next to her, "Its alright, thank you for coming."

Eva sat in the chair and fixed the papers, flattening down her hair.

"Have you told him about the books yet?" This caused izuku to perk up a bit as he looked over at his mother.

"Books?" He asked hopefully. Izuku had always loved to learn.

"I was just about to tell him about it, Eva" Inko let off a harmless glare as she took one of the books out of the bag.

Eva smiled unapologetically and sat silently as inko introduced one of the many books to Izuku.

"Well, i wanted to finish our little pep talk about it before but I know your fully fixated on these books now," She let out fondly, and with that showed Izuku the first book that seemed to have gibberish on the front cover. "You may not have a quirk but you have smarts better than any hero. You have a big brain and an even bigger heart, youll grow up to do amazing things my little hero." Inko smiled with her eyes already starting to tear up.

Izukus excitement quickly turned sour when he looked at the cover, turning the book from one side to another. "But, I can't read any of this. It doesnt look like Japanese or English." His pout made Evvanya chuckle.

"But that's where I come in!" she proclaims, a bit too enthusiastically.

She stands and shows the papers she brought earlier to Izuku, which hold basic translations of the books language.

Izuku practically beams at this. 

In her hands was basic translations from japanese to what was written in the book. "Theres also translations from english to the grimoire language which would be more helpful but thats as you get older" Evvanya smiled, seeing that Izuku was practically bouncing in the hospital bed. She had no doubt the small boy would be able to read the book cover to cover by the time he was out of the hospital. Considering he had about 3 weeks at least to stay here stuck.

Calming down from his excitment, Izuku thought of what she had called the book. "A grim-ore?" the confused expression on his face almost too cute to disapoint.

"almost but not quite. Its a grimoire. A grimoire is a textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms, and divination, and how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, deities, and demons."

"What are-"

"dont worry kid, in due time you'll know it all" Evvanya felt another pair of eyes on her and turned to look at inko, the endearment held in her eyes was like a warm blanket on a chilly night.

"you have no idea how much this means to me, eva. To the both of us." Inko brought the taller woman into a close hug and eva practically melted into her embrace.

"Its nothing Inks, im just glad to help the kiddo out, in any way i can. And im putting those books to use for once after who knows how long. its like killing two birds with one stone!" The two women chuckled and spent the rest of the evening chatting away as the green haired child was immersed in this new world of learning. Of signs and weird looking scribbles he would soon be able to translate as actual words.

He was immersed in a new world entirely. A world of magic.


Hey-o!  Its been a long time huh :,)

So sorry that this chapter might seem a little messy at the end, i havent written anything on this in a year and decided maybe if I post it itll encourage me to write more with it! I hope that all is well and that if anyone happens to find this book let alone get this far that theyre enjoying it. I dont know when the next time ill update is but I hope that if i do ill have some support hehe :D until next time


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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