Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       My cell phone started ringing, waking me up from my sleep. I sighed, keeping my eyes closed as I reached for my phone on the nightstand. After a few attempts, I was able to grab it and answer it. "Hello?"

       "Hey," Daisuke said. "You sound tired."

       "I am," I muttered. "We were at the arcade until close to midnight, and then Ray insisted on getting food after, and then he wouldn't stop rambling for a while before he finally fell asleep."

       Speaking of Ray... I felt some pressure on my chest, so I finally opened my eyes to see Ray sleeping soundly on my test. Honestly, it was a bit odd to see him still sleeping now that I was awake. He was always the first one awake out of the two of us, but I guess all these tasks we had to do was messing with his sleeping schedule.

       I ran my hands through Ray's fluffy hair, which was a lot messier after all the moving he did in his sleep. In fact, I was surprised he ended up on my chest when that was where he fell asleep. He moved around a lot in his sleep, sometimes even ending up sleeping on the bed sideways.

       "Yeah, I get that," Daisuke said. "Mason's still sleeping, too, even though we both crashed as soon as we got back home. Anyway, I'm just calling everyone to let you know that we got yet another task."

       I groaned. "Please don't tell me it's one like last time. I don't think I can handle being trapped in a room again."

       "No, don't worry," Daisuke said. "This one actually isn't that bad. Well, Johan and Giovanni might disagree. Anyway, we just have to go to that famous haunted house in the city. They said we can go at anytime, so we might as well go as soon as it opens so we don't have to stay out late this time."

       "Thank goodness," I said. "I don't know how much more I can take of this. You think we're going to have to do something everyday?"

       "Probably," Daisuke said. "Maybe everyday until Halloween, since we've been doing Halloween themed stuff."

       "That's still four days away," I said. "I just want to be able to, you know, not go out anywhere. Unless it's baseball practice."

       "Honestly, same here. Anyway, I have to call the others. We'll all discuss it later about when we're going to meet up."

       "Got it."

       After we hung up, I looked to see what time it was. Ten in the morning. Yeah, definitely very rare for Ray to be sleeping in this late. In fact, the latest he had ever slept in was eight, and he did not enjoy that.

       He was crazy for wanting to wake up at five everyday.

       Ray was still sleeping peacefully, and I doubt he would want to continue sleeping in so late, so I gently shook him awake. "Hey," I said softly.

       Ray stirred around for a bit before pulling the blankets up to his chin, snuggling closer to me. "You're comfy..."

       "Thanks, but it's ten," I said. "You still want to be in bed?"

       "Ten? Like... Ten in the morning. Whoa, I've never slept in this late. It feels weird. I'm not sure if I like it. But at the same time, I still get to snuggle with you so I'm not complaining too much."

       "So you're just going to stay in bed?"

       "Yep. I'm exhausted. I don't like doing these tasks or whatever they are. They're messing with my sleep schedule."

       "Speaking of, Daisuke just called. We got another one."

       "Awe, poop. What is it this time?"

       "We just have to go to a haunted house. And it's at anytime too, so Daisuke said we'll probably go as soon as it opens for the day."

       "Oh, no, not a haunted house. I'm going to get so scared. Terrified, even. I don't think I'll be able to handle all the jump scares. If only I had a tall and brave boyfriend who could protect me."

       "You don't even get jump scared anymore."

       Ray scowled. "I'm trying to hint that I want you to protect me, and this is what I get?"

       "Why would I need to protect you if you don't get jump scared and when the actors in the haunted house won't be able to actually hurt you or anything?"

       "You're mean."

       I kissed the top of Ray's head. "So you've told me multiple times." I sat up on the bed, causing Ray to sit up as well since he was still resting on top of my chest. "Daisuke said we're probably going to be getting a task every day until Halloween."

       "That... makes sense," Ray said. "Ooh, you know something I hope they tell us to do?"

       "Kill Nico?"

       "No! Don't say that! That's mean!"

       "Oh, come on. I know you're secretly thinking it."

       "You're so violent, Archie. Anyway, I was going to say that I hope they make us have some sort of costume contest because someone doesn't want to dress up with me."

       "I don't see the point of dressing up if we're staying at home doing nothing."

       "Ooh, then we can go to a Halloween party!"

       "I hate parties. Too many people."

       "What if we have one with the baseball team?"

       "That means Nico will have to be there."

       "There's just no pleasing you, is there?" Ray got out of bed, now being completely full of energy like he was every single morning. Or every second, really. Ray just had way too much energy and honestly, I didn't know how someone could have so much energy. "You know, very soon I will convince you to wear a matching costume with me on Halloween."

       "That won't happen," I said, lying back down on the bed. "Nothing you say will be able to convince me otherwise."

       "Nothing, you say?" Ray asked as he started to smile widely. "Challenge accepted!"

       "Not really a challenge."

       "It is a challenge, and I will win it!"


i love these two so much <3

also i honestly have no idea what three of the remaining four tasks should be :( well, the last one isn't even really a task. no spoilers though hehehe

oh and these boys officially got the winter story this year! i already have the plot posted if you want to add it into your library lol (it's called a silver bell's chime). you get to see ray being even more chaotic than he is in this book.

The 7 Nights of HalloweenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora