Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

       As soon as the next three people had to leave, Daisuke and Stetson came to our control room to pick up Johan because they knew how scared he was.

       I couldn't even imagine what it was going to be like if Giovanni ever had to go out; he was a bigger scaredy cat than Johan.

       Once Johan left, I was extremely bored. Sterling was the one who was keeping an eye on the camera, so there wasn't much the rest of us could do right now.

       So I decided to kiss Ray because I loved him so much.

       Sterling huffed as he stood up, picking up the headset at the comm centre and putting it on. "Can someone please trade places with me? Archer and Ray keep making out and I'm sick of it."

       I pulled away from Ray and looked at Stetson. "Then don't look."

       "I can hear it too, Emo Boy," Sterling said. "So cut it out before I lock both you and Sunshine Boy out of the room."

       "You say Sunshine Boy in a condescending tone but that's a huge compliment," Ray said. "So thanks, Sterling!"

       Because I felt like kissing Ray every single time I saw Ray, I leaned down to kiss him but Sterling pulled Ray's chair away, the wheels rolling my boyfriend away from me. 

       "Giovanni, tell Mason that he and Daisuke are switching with me and Johan," Sterling said into the headset. "I'm not dealing with these two horndogs anymore." He took the headset off and placed it on the desk before leaving the room without another word.

       A few moments later, Mason walked inside. "Seriously?" he asked. "Why do I have to keep telling you two to limit the PDA?"

       "It's his fault!" Ray said. "I didn't do anything, I swear!"

       "You kissed me back," I said.

       "Yeah, well, you kissed me first." Ray stuck his tongue out.

       I looked at Mason. "You think it's smart to have Johan and Giovanni in the same control room? I thought we separated them so the two people who get scared the most wouldn't be together."

       Mason shrugged. "They'll be with Sterling and Maddox, so I think they'll be fine."

       That was true. Maddox rarely got scared and was constantly cracking jokes, so he made things a lot more lighthearted. And then there was Sterling who would probably tear the heads off of the animatronics if they ever went near his best friend.

       Mason pushed the chair Ray was on back to the comm centre and put this headset back on him. "Keep this on. I know it's harder for you to kiss Archer when you have it on." He looked at me. "And you, you're helping me at the cameras."

       I sighed as Mason pulled me over to the cameras and sat me down on one of the chairs. There was a reason why he was referred to as the mom friend. Nobody would dare say no to him after he told us something.

       Now I was even more bored, even though I tried helping Mason with the cameras. All we had to do was flip through the cameras, seeing exactly where the animatronics were. The monkey was still in the cafeteria and the alligator was still upstairs. The hyena had moved downstairs to the batting cages. And the clown?

       The clown was in the underwater-themed mini-golf course.

       And that's where Johan, Daisuke, and Stetson were.

       "Archieeeeeee," Ray said in a bored, whiny voice. "Give me the tea."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Tea? There's not any tea here. And I thought that you don't like the way I make tea."

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