Chapter 5

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It was about 10:30 at night as (Y/N) and Revenant began to get rather tired. Revenant has gained the ability to gain rare tiredness like a human does, but he can switch off some funtions to regain energy.

(Y/N) curled up in his massive bed before he followed and pulled her in close to his robotic, covered, soft chest. She layed her hand on the other side of his chest.

"Revenant?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah?" He looked down at her.

"Can you feel? Like emotions?" His eyes tried to widen at the question. He looked down at her restful body before stroking her hair gently.

"Yes I can. I feel all types of human emotions. My love emotion is very rusty though since no one would ever love a monster like me. Which doesn't bother me soo much." Revenant was wise with his words as (Y/N) sat up and sighed before holding his hand carefully.

"Do you want to know something, Revenant?"

"What is it, skinsuit?" He asked before his system nearly bursted from (Y/N)'s action at kissing him where his lips were. However, he doesn't have a proper mouth, just a robotic mouth under the mask he wears. "What... was that?" He stuttered.

"I love a monster like you. You are towards me. You let me stay at your home for a while now, and you would defend me at people who would be mad or hurt me." (Y/N) began to blush and Revenant rubbed her cheek gently.

"(Y/N) I... I don't know what to say. I love you to, but let me think about it." He sighed and (Y/N) nodded with a huge smile on her face. "Lets get some sleep, meatbag."

They lied down in bed, with the duvet over them as they kept their small distance apart before switching the lamp off, and drifting off into a well earned sleep.


Revenant woke up from his slumber as he heard his doorbell ring.

He got out of bed, placed on his lower piece of fabic to cover some of his robotic parts, as he walked quickly downstairs to see who it was.

It was a mailman holding an Apex letter.

"F-For you, sir." He stuttered handing the letter to the taller figure.

"Thanks." He spoke as he went back in and closed the door gently. In his mind, he just wanted to slam the door shut, but he didn't want to wake up (Y/N).

Revenant walked back up to bed to see (Y/N) streching and yawning a lot.

"Morning..." She mummbled before clicking her back.

"Morning." He mummbled and sat next to her on the bed. "We recieved a letter from the Apex Games."

"Oh? I'm curious." She sat up, leaning into him gently as he noticed as looked at her with a small growl. He used his hand to try to push her away. "Sorry!" She moved off from touching him. He just ignored her and opened the lettee before reading:

'Dear Apex Legends,

We are here to inform you that today is the official day of the new and improved Season 6! We now have included you guys with Crafting Materials that you can craft a limited amount of items in a Replicator. Also, we would like to announce that there is a new legend named Rampart!

We expect to see you all later today at 3:30pm!


Apex Games'

Revenant smirked, but it was unable to be seen.

"More blood adding to the games." (Y/N) shrugged and got out of bed without saying a word back to him. "(Y/N)?" She still didn't answer as she left the bedroom. He started to get frustrated and confused as he got up and quickly followed her. (Y/N) sat downstairs on his couch before breaking down into tears.

"(Y/N)..." He kept his distance as he noticed that blood was running down her arm then he remembered. He accidentally cut her when he tried to move her away, but he didn't notice. "(Y/N). I'm sorry." He walked over to kitchen and grabbed some wet wipes.

(Y/N) looked at the blood running down her arm as he knelt in front of her, grabbed her arm and began to wipe the blood away. When he wipe over the wound, she hissed in pain.

"It's alright, skinsuit. It isn't nothing compared to my real attacks." He chuckled as she also giggled quietly. He then grabbed a small bandage to cover up the cut.

"Are you a doctor because you're really good at this." (Y/N) joked as he shrugged.

"Maybe I was when I was human? I just knew how to wrap a bandage on myself and someone else, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't a doctor since I remembered Hammonds from the back of my head."



"I love you still." (Y/N) kissed him in his cheek as he unnoticeably blushed.

"I-I... I love you too, meatbag." He pulled her in for a hug as they stayed like that for a few minutes...

Apex Legends: Revenant x Reader - The Dead Man & The SkinsuitOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora