Chapter 18

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"Aah!" Screams were music to his ears. Blood dripped everywhere as Wraith has now been eliminated from the game and now in the real place where she wakes up by Mirage's bar.

"Damn bastards. Everyone will feel my suffering." Revenant whispered and looked at (Y/N) who was still in the game. She was coughing up blood gripping her gun tightly. He scoffed and walked over to her, finishing her off.


Wraith woke up to see (Y/N) was still unconscious. She stood up and looked at a mirror to see scratches all over her neck. Then she remembered. A creature with horns, yellow and white eyes, white and red robotic parts with dampped up fur killed her in the games.

Just then she heard coughing from behind and saw (Y/N) coughing heavily.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" She ran over to her and patted her back.

"Y-Yeah." She then stopped coughing. "What happened?"

"A robot killed us, but it doesn't seem familiar, only the cloth things." Wraith answered and an image flashed into (Y/N)'s head.

"Revenant! That was Revenant!" (Y/N) stood up to and left the room to see everyone in the bar area. Tonight, there were bartenders instead of Mirage. "Elliot!" He looked at her and walked over to her.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Hey babe." He winked at Wraith as she looked away, obviously blushing. "What do you need?"

"Have you seen Revenant? He looked like a robotic goat."

"Oh yeah! Infact I did, he is in the bathroom." He pointed to the restroom as (Y/N) nodded and went there. It was one toilet for both genders, but the door is lockable. She knocked on it and heard heavy breathing.

"R-Revenant? You in there?" She tried to open the door and saw him staring into the mirror. She closed the door behind her and walked over to him. He looked at her and back at the mirror. "Rev?"

"What do you see?" He asked normally.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"What do you see in the mirror of me?" He didn't look at her and just stared in the mirror. She looked confused and looked at him and mirror multiple times. "A human? Or a monster?" His hand turned into a dagger.

"Your robotic." She simply answered and hugged his side gently. "Your enough for me though." He looked at her and sighed, his hand turning back to normal. "I missed you loads."

"I... I..." He looked away. "I guess I missed you too."


"What's taking them soo long?" Mirage and Octane went to the bathroom and opened the door. What they saw, shocked them. They were sat against the wall, sleeping and hugging. (Y/N) was on his lap and his arms held her protectively. "Aww, that's cute." Mirage chuckled at Octane took a picture and ran back to the main area to show everyone the photo.



Revenant woke up to see (Y/N) still asleep against his chest. He smiled and wondered what happened. It didn't bother him as he picked her up bridal style and began to take her back to his home.


Octane posted the picture on his Facebook page and got at least 1,000 already. He was happy, but hoped none of the two were following him or had Facebook. He ran home, jumping over signs, bins and small poles with excitement. The rain felt refreshing on his skin and helped him get home quicker. It was cold, but not too hot either.

"Oh yeah!" He yelled, jumping over a bigger sign.


Wraith and Mirage drove to their new, shared home. They were quiet, with the small chats now and then.

"You think (Y/N) is okay?" Mirage asked.

"Yeah." Wraith answered and looked out the window.

Every conversation was like two or three sentences long and then over for a while. They didn't feel the best, and Mirage was no where near drunk because he didn't drink.


Wattson was already home and looking at her family photos of her, her dad, and her mother. She also had an older brother that hated being in photographs, but had one of him in her bedroom. She went into her lab and worked on her fences and sheild generator.

"I will make Papa proud of me." She whispered and worked hard.


Revenant put (Y/N) on his bed and noticed how clean his home was. He looked around to see all the carpets were cleaner, the walls seemed to have a new coat of paint. His couch now had some blankets on the sides and back with some white cushions. He was very impressed with her work, but he wouldn't admit it.

He went back upstairs to see her sitting up.

"When did you wake up?" He asked, sitting on his half of the bed.

"Like five minutes ago." She yawned and leaned against him. "It's good to have you back, but what happened to you? Why are you like this?"

"I don't know. I was out for a while and now I look like this. I feel very powerful, but I hate my look. Makes me feel exposed." He looked at his hands and sighed. "I have to get used to this."

"Maybe Lifeline, Rampart and Wattson will help you."

"Not yet." He looked at her and layed down. Everytime he talked, his jaw moved.

"It's weird seeing your mouth move a little."

"Aah... it's alright." He got onto the bed and didn't break eye contact with her. "Lie down, now." He growled as she listened. He was on top of her as he leaned down and sighed. "You listen very well, don't you?"

"Y-Yes." She was nervous until he moved off her and layed down next to her.

"I'll talk to those damn skinsuits tomorrow to see what they can do about my look."

"Good idea." She giggled and went to sleep, having her hand on his chest.

"Good night, ski- (Y/N)."

Apex Legends: Revenant x Reader - The Dead Man & The SkinsuitWhere stories live. Discover now