Chapter 27

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Five Months Passed~

Revenant wouldn't leave (Y/N)'s side... no matter what she told him. He was always keeping a close eye on her and Ash since she would also stalk them nearby. Mad Maggie has joined two and a half months ago.

That was until one day they've decided to have a party in Mirage's bar because of the new Legend who just joined. Newcastle (Jackson Williams). Before Bangalore knew who Newcastle really was, she was planning on leaving the Apex Games because there was "nothing" for her there now.

Mirage was dancing with his decoys with a huge smile on his face. Octane was dancing as well. Being swift as ever in doing the moves. Gibraltar wasn't dancing, he was just nearby, watching Newcastle pick up Horizon with his shield as she smiled and held onto the side tightly as the new Legend smiled happily. Wattson and Pathfinder was also dancing nearby. Loba and Valkyrie were sat on the table nearby as Bangalore watch them and sighed to herself. They had broken up a few months ago which upsetted her a lot. Everyone else was just sitting at the tables. Revenant and (Y/N) were near Bangalore. She was comforting the soldier as the simulacrum turned his hand into a dagger and popped the blue balloon that floated down in front of him.

"That's the guy who's replacing me?" Bangalore asked them as she watched Newcastle dance with the others. She took another glance at Loba and Valk before turning around, placing her drink on the main bar table. Loba walked over and stared at Revenant as his hand went back to normal.

"(Y/N), let's sit down." He told her and walked to a nearby table near Valkyrie.

"You're really quitting?" Loba asked the soldier who didn't make eye contact with her.

"It's time. My brother is gone. Without Jackson... I've got nothing else left to fight for here." She looked at Loba for a moment and looked back to her drink. This did kind of make Loba feel bad because she wasn't the same since they seperated.

"So you just run away? So much for all that bravado."

"I need to get back with my family. Whatever's left of them."

"You've built a family here. Forget it." Loba went to leave as the large TV in Mirage's bar turned on aa the voice spoke.

"Squads assemble and prepare for pickup and drop."

The screen showed the teams.

Wraith, Wattson, Horizon.

Mirage, Bangalore, Newcastle.

Revenant, (Y/N), Ash.

Fuse, Crypto, Octane.

Loba, Valkyrie, Pathfinder.

Bloodhound, Lifeline, Gibraltar.

Rampart, Seer, Mad Maggie.

Caustic decided to stay back because he didn't feel the bed.


On the drop ship, everyone got into position and Mirage walked next to Newcastle.

"First time?"

"I've been at this a while, young buck." Newcastle replied with a smile. "Stay behind me, I'll keep you safe."

"Keep me sa- Wait, didn't it take you like forty tries to get into the Games?" Mirage teased.

"Will you two shut up and focus?" Bangalore snapped. "This is my last match. I'm not going home without a win." They all jumped and landed on the beach area as most other squads landed nearby.

"Something's coming!" Mirage yelled as they looked in the ocean to see something coming towards them. The ground shook as an underground armary appeared and stopped once it was fully visible. "Oh!" Bangalore stopped Mirage from falling.

Apex Legends: Revenant x Reader - The Dead Man & The SkinsuitWhere stories live. Discover now