Chapter 30

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Vantage experienced everything, but had no clue what to think. It did frighten her though. She was only 19 and around a bunch of people with amazing skills and abilities. The new guy... Ballistic, came to games and was just as confused as she was.

They just stayed at Mirage's bar and chatted about what they just saw.

"So two simulacrums that hate each other." Ballistic mummbled and took a sip of his whiskey.

"And the big red one is getting married by the looks of that girl." Vantage continued and only had an orange juice.

"Let's wait for everyone to get back before we make conclusions." She nodded in agreement.

Crypto was researching on his laptop with Horizon and Catalyst about Hammonds Labs.

"They've worked in Outlands, the place is meant to be abandoned now apparantly." Crypto stated as he continued to research. "Hmm... World's Edge. There is Hammond Robotics and we only have limited access during out battles, but what if we all eent deeper?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Catalyst smiled and cracked her knuckles and smiled.

"If we all go, then we'll be able to maybe find the remains of Revenant." Horizon mentioned, but that was when they saw a door open and Lifeline in tears and being supported by Loba and Bangalore. "What happened, darling?"

"(Y/N)... She is in a coma... One the brink of death." Bangalore sighed and hugged Lifeline, not caring about the blood that was on her operating clothing. Wraith sat down with Mirage and sighed sadly, wiping her navy blue eyes.

"What's Revenant going to think about this?" Octane asked as the rest of them looked among themselves and looked at Ash as she gulped. "I would suggest you hide from him."

"Have you ever seen him physically win against me?" Ash asked, crossing her arms. "Besides if he loses control, he won't be able to focus properly and I will show you when he comes trying to kill me."

"If you say so..." Mad Maggie sighed and played with her fingers and acted like they caused an explosion, but she was quiet about it.

"Will my brother and sister be ok?" Pathfinder asked Octane curiously.

"Of course, amigo! They're very strong and won't let this get to them! Not (Y/N) anyway..." He mummbled the last part, but Pathfinder was now happy, knwoing they'll be alright.


Revenant's optics switch on and his face was against black material. It was a padded bed in the mechanical room.

'Back here again...'

He sighed and turned around to see Wattson and Rampart. She has decided to learn how to fix robots and/or simulacrums like Revenant.

"And now he's okay!" Rampart cheered happily. "Thanks!"

"Not za problem." She smiled in return.

"How are ya, murder bot?" Rampart asked as he groaned and held his head, his vision red for a moment before fading back to normal.

"Ugh... Fine." He stood up and looked around and saw the amount of oil that was puddled on the floor and he sighed. "I lost that much oil, huh?"

"You did." Wattson nodded. "When you were stabbed in the back, it hit your oil generator so it bursted and leaked everywhere."

"Aah." He nodded and walked to the door, avoiding the oil. "Thanks..." He mummbled and walked out of the room and saw most members, including Ash, sitting outside of Lifeline's medical rooms. "What's going on?" He asked as Lifeline handed him a board with paper connect as he started to read. "What..." He dropped it and Lifeline picked it up and he looked at everyone and then his eyes darted to Ash. "You!" He growled and his optics switch to glowing, crimson red and he charged at her, punching her to the floor. She gasped as his sudden speed and quickly got up to defend herself.

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