3 | hogsmeade

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wrapped up in books - belle and sebastian


"I am not late, I'm right on time," I say shoving him a bit. He puts his hands up in surrender and says

"Only joking, jeez Sage you gotta learn how to take a joke" I'm a bit offended and say

"I can take a joke " all he replies with is

"Mhm, let's get on with it, ok?" and puts his arm around me.

      It's comforting and not awkward like I thought it would be.

       Cedric and I walk along the streets of Hogsmeade. We talk on and off about our classes. I wish I was in more classes with him. I'm only in divination and she assigned us seats already. He is a bit odd but honestly, so far he's so sweet and gentle. So genuine.

We decide to go into Honeydukes. As Cedric and I walk into the jam-packed store Ced and I hold hands but after a bit of going shuffling through the crowds our hands separate. I decide that I'll get what my friends asked for and meet him outside.

I work my way through the crowd to one of the walls. I grab some jelly slugs and acid pops and caramel cobwebs and of course every flavor of jelly beans. Finally, I get to the front and pay. I walk outside and find Ced.

Cedric and I go get a butterbeer in a nearby pub. As we walk into the pub the smell of warm caramel and vanilla hits my nose, I breathe in trying to catch as much of the divine smell as I can.

We sat down and showed each other what we got, he didn't get much, just a few chocolate frogs and this new candy I've never heard of.

The tables are so crowded that we have to sit next to each other. I don't mind it though because he is nice and warm and I'm quite cold. After a while of waiting for our butterbeer and it finally coming.

He puts his warm hand on my thigh. He looks at me questionably as if to ask if it's ok. I nod to him and smile while putting my hand over his. We talk and talk and drink more and more and soon it's almost 2 pm. I say

"Cedric this has been so much fun, but I have a potions test I really need to study for. I'm sorry." he looks at his watch and says

"Oh wow is it already that time? Yeah, I have a herbology project that I have to do, and just because I'm a Hufflepuff doesn't mean I'm all that good at it." he laughs and I say

"I thought you were top of all your classes."

"How do you know that?"

"I just, well you hear things." I'm embarrassed I don't want him to think I've been stalking him.

"Oh yeah, were you asking about me?" He says in a cocky tone lifting his eyebrows.

"No" I smile at him and nudge him a bit "I told some friends I was seeing you today and they told me a bit about you."

"So your friends are stalking me?" he says, his smile widening.

"Cedric I swear," I say laughing, my smile widening as well.

"You swear what?" He says and sticks his finger in the butterbeer.

"What do you think you're-" He dabs my nose with the cream and grins, bringing the finger to his lips and sucking. "You did not just-"

"I think I did." His grin grows as he takes a sip of his butterbeer. I dip my finger in mine and whip it on his nose too.

"Hey!" he exclaims. I giggle taking a sip of mine as well. He takes a napkin and rubs his nose and leans over rubbing any extra cream off my nose. He takes it away and tucks a piece of hair behind my ears. He takes his hand back and smiles.

"You are gorgeous Sage, even with cream on your nose." I smile and reply

"Thank you, um about that um herbology, I'm doing pretty well in that class if you need any help." he looks down and smiles again saying

"Sage, you'd do that? " I retort with

"Yea why not, maybe you can help me with my potions?" he looks at me with a wide grin on his face and replies with

"I can try."

      We stand up and start walking towards Hogwarts. It has gotten chillier than before and I start to shiver, I think Cedric notices because he lets his arm that was around me fall and takes off his jacket.

"Here," he says

"Cedric, it's ok, I'm not that cold," I say through my shivers that give away my lie. He smirks at me and says

"Really Weasley?" and puts the jacket on me smirking. I look at him and say

"Thanks, Cedric b-" I get cut off by his hand on my cheek and his cold lips on mine. After the initial shock wears off, I relax and kiss him back. I have to stand on my tippy toes so he doesn't have to bend down as much. His hand that was on my cheek goes to the back of my neck to deepen the kiss.

His tongue delves into my mouth, making me much warmer. My arms go around his neck and his other hand grabs onto my hip to pull me closer. I let out a little gasp. He stops kissing me and says

"Sorry I guess I got a little carried away "

"N-no, just, I was a bit shocked" I look at his plump lips and back to his blue eyes, god he is perfect.

I can almost still feel the heat his lips left on mine, and his cold hands grasping at my neck and hip. I can feel myself blush as I recall the events of the last seconds. He bends down and whispers in my ear

"You are beautiful, especially when you blush." I bring my finger to my lips trying to remember his lips again. He replaces my finger with his and pushes my lip to the side. My face grows hotter, I can feel the tension between us. He kisses me again but this kiss is different, less urgent, calmer. He pulls away and says

"I guess we better go, but I'm sure you're nice and warm now " I agree and we laugh and continue walking. His arm around my shoulders and my arm around his waist, soaking in the warmth.

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