Witches Before Wizards

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A/N I am in no way the amazing Owl House creator but that don't mean I can't use Dana's sandbox as long as I put the items back right? Besides I've grown fond of this project, also you can pry aloof but caring Mr. Blight from my cold dead hands! Also I apologize for the formatting I spent two hours trying to fix it before saying screw it.

Nix casually strolled in the room followed by a few ducklings, Alador was the first to notice.

Alador: Are you aware there are ducklings following you?
Nix: Quite. SO I know I promised a ship chapter but then I realized... Why do that when now when you guys can deal with it after the eight episode. Give people a little break before the angst sets in. SO lets start.

No one asked Nix what they meant by angst setting in. But some couldn't help but pale wonder what's going to happen in the future's future.

[wind howling]

Luz: [groans] [breathes heavily]

Luz: Stop adorably hopping away, you‐‐ Huh?

Eda: Welcome to... [snaps fingers] ...the Owl House.
Luz: [gasps]

Camillia: I still can't believe my daughter would go off to another world, but perhaps she can go this summer. Provide this stays as wholesome as it appears.
Nix: WhOlEsOmE sureeeee

Nix nervously laughs as YBOS and AOAW run through their head

Nix: It's very wholesome just owl mom, a raven aunt and the small adopted owlet. YEP TOTALLY WHOLESOME!!!!
Alador: Are you okay?
Nix: Yes. No. Yes. No. YES. Wait no.

Nix just slumped down, even Odalia looked concerned for the human teen.

Luz: [groaning]

Luz: [gasps]
Luz: [snoring]
Luz: It wasn't a dream! Good morning, terrifying fantasy world.
Monster: Good morning.
Luz: Ughhh.
King: [snoring]
Luz: Good morning, you little cutie‐pie.
King: I am not your cutie‐pie!
Luz: Yes, you are.
King: [sighs] I know.

Eda: You were quick to admit defeat, King.
Nix: I wonder if I should introduce you to AUs next?

Everyone paused looking at Nix. Some in disbelief, some in amusement, Alador looked starstruck as he turned to Luz for a explanation. He rather was fond of the human or maybe he was just fond of the human world?

Alador: Luz, what's an AU?

Luz: An alternate universe, so like uhh.

Luz looked to Nix for an example, when did the chaotic host give them, they being both Nix and everyone else had no clue at all.

Nix: Without giving muchhhh away like uh... a universe were instead of the sour ass there you married Lilith or Eda.

Snickers were heard as Nix leaned back against their throne, when did they get one. Again no one questions. Nigel slithered off to wrap around the arm as Omen laid at the base. The three ducklings who followed Nix, laid by Omen the panther not thinking much tucked his tail around the small birds.

[owls hooting]
[gasps, grunts]
Hooty: Hi, Luz!
Luz: [screams]
Hooty: Ow! I'm just wishing you a good morning. Jeez! Hoot! Ow!
Luz: Sorry, Hooty. [to herself] This is it, old girl. Your first day on the Boiling Isles as a Witch Apprentice. Hyah! Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! [screams]

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