A Lying Witch and A Warden

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A/N dont know if I put it last chapter but I own nothing.

Nix came in banging pots and pans together.

Nix: I ain't get no sleep cause of y'all now y'all ain't gonna get sleep cause of me!

Eda: What in the Titan's name?!

Lily: I thought this was some sort of horrid dream oh the Emperor is not going to be hap-

Nix: Fuck that guy. Not literally he is nothing but a no good lying mask wearing little bitch!

Camilla: There are children present.

Nix: Yes well let's start with our future look, how about a Lying Witch and a Warden. We get to see in the life of Luz.

As Nix quieted down everyone took a seat, Amity and the twins sitting on one couch, Camilla and Eda on another with Luz between them. Lilith was in a chair, Mr. and Mrs. Blight got a love seat next to Hooty, the detention group got a couch next to the Blight children. King was laying on Omen as Nix sat on a cloud? Skara and Boscha were in two bean bags. Skara next to Gus and Willow also sitting in bean bags, Bocsha next to the Blight parents. Bump was calmly in a chair as far away from Eda as possible.

The episode starts with a witch quickly lands. She is standing against a dragon-like monster.

Gildersnake: Foolish child! I could swallow you whole! [hisses]
Azura: Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace! [crouches and holds her staff like a bazooka] Now eat this, sucker!
Gildersnake: [being shot consecutively] No! My only weakness‐‐ dying! [collapses]

[Immediately cut to a doll resembling Azura and a snake being held]

Luz: And that's the end.
Camilla: The end of what?
Luz: My book report. [the snake bites the doll] I think I knocked it out of the park.
Principal: Your book report is why you're in here.

Eda: Ha I like this kid.

Luz: I should probably take notes! I could do this book report this year!

Nix and Camilla: NO!

Nix: No offense Luz but I will let you pet Omen if you promise me to hold off a year on that!

Omen looked up at the sound of his name huffing he laid his head back down his tail flicking. Nix for their part stuck their tongue out at the panther.

Luz: Deal!

[Two students running and screaming in fear with a snake biting their hair]

Luz: Oh. That's where the backup snakes were.
Camilla: And what were you going to do with this? [holds up a firecracker]
Luz: That was for the Act Three closer.

Edric: Act three closer. Wait what is that?

Luz: A fire cracker!

Emira: Think we could use those to annoy, Mittens even more Ed?

Camilla: Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?
[Cut to Luz holding a fork while doing school play]

Luz: O happy dagger, give me death! [stabs the fork into her body. A bunch of sausage spills out]

[People screaming and running. Cut to Luz completing a griffin model]

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