Chapter 4

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Although you had gone to bed early last night, you slept past the morning hours, and by the time you came out of the guest bedroom, Jungkook had already left for work. Dragging your feet into the kitchen, you found a note on the table containing Jungkook's phone number.

You went over to the coffee maker and put on a batch, and as it brewed, you prepared a sandwich for breakfast. Sitting down to eat, you thought of the day you had in front of you. Several things needed to get done. Although you dreaded it, you would have to call Yeyun later to sort out the car issue, and after that... You let out a sigh as you thought of applying to jobs. It was unlikely that you would find anything fitting here on the mountain, but maybe there was an opening somewhere not too far away. Pulling up your phone, you head to an employment page and started scrolling through the results. The results surprised you. Not only were there many regional jobs available, but several of them were within marketing. With any luck, you'd be able to secure one of them, and avoid reducing the time you'd have to live with your mother. If you were lucky and received a signing bonus, you might even be able to afford to rent a small place closer to the job. Encouraged by this, you selected a handful of jobs and wrote applications and well as updated your online resumé.

Three hours and two coffee cups later you could finally lean back in your chair. It had been exhausting, but it was finally done. Feeling pleased with yourself, you decided you might as well continue while you were on the roll and straighten out the car registration. Grabbing your shoes and jacket, you headed outside, walking down to a forest path as you scrolled your contacts and called Yeyun. Unsurprisingly, he was defensive, dismissive, and disinterested.

Yeyun: It's the stupid cop's fault.

Y/N: It's your car.

Yeyun: I was nice enough to let you use it.

Y/N: Just get the registration issue straightened out. I'm stuck here without the car.

Yeyun: How was I supposed to know the damn plates expired? We never used it.

You sighed. If there was one good thing about getting out of the relationship with him, it was not having to deal with him when he was intentionally difficult.

Y/N: Are you going to help me out or not?

Yeyun: Alright, alright. Text me where the car is and the contact info and I'll see if I can get it straightened out in a few days.

Y/N: A few days!? Are you kidding me?

You raised your voice. You needed him to get the stupid registration straightened out as soon as possible so that you had a car to go to job interviews.

Yeyun: Tomorrow, whatever, whenever, get off me.

With that, he hung up on you. You were fuming inside but pushed it aside and immediately sent him the information he would need. Then, putting your frustration to use, you continued walking on the path. You had never been in this forest area, and looking around you soon chased away any thoughts of your ex. The view was truly stunning, and it reminded you just how beautiful and peaceful the mountain was. It was the exact opposite of what you had gotten used to while living in the big city, and you wondered how you had ever gotten used to the constant noise and stress.

By the time you returned to the cabin, you felt entirely invigorated. Your lungs were filled with clean mountain air and your skin felt flushed from the exercise. Cleaning yourself, you went and made lunch and checked your phone. You had received a text.

Jungkook: How's it going? Anything you need?

Y/N: Everything's great. Don't worry about me.

Jungkook: I'll bring pizza for dinner. Hawaii?

Y/N: Great, can't wait!

You smiled as you put your phone down. Hawaii was your favorite pizza, and you were surprised he remembered. Stretching, you went to relax on the couch. Besides waiting for replies from Yeyun and the jobs, there was little you could do. You had done most of the housework needed in between the cooking yesterday, and with Jungkook bringing dinner with him, you could afford a rest. Eyes closed, you relaxed your body, and as you did, you thought to yourself how this life here in Jungkook's cabin was more enjoyable than the last few years in the city. Breathing heavily, you realized with a smile that ending up on the mountain was probably the best thing that could have happened to you.

[21+] Starting over [Y/N x Jeon Jungkook] Birthday 2020Where stories live. Discover now