Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep. I whacked my alarm clock and climbed out of my bed. How I hated Mondays. Especially the first day back to school. I looked at my clock, 6 am. I dragged my feet to the only bathroom in my small house. I hopped into the shower and took a nice steaming shower. I started singing Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainer when my idiot of a brother started banging on the door.

"Pers!!!" He whined through the door using my nickname.
"What?" I asked annoyed by him already.
"I have to pee!" He whined again.
"What does that have to do with me?" I called turning off the water.
"You're in the bathroom where the toilet is located, genius."
"I'll be out right away but I need back in there."
I quickly pulled on my black leggings and a over sized knitted sweater and walked out.
"5 minutes till I want back in there." I told Eros my older brother.
He's 10 months older than me so we're in the same grade, 12.
I walked into my small room and pulled out my old backpack. I placed my books gently in and got everything else ready. Once his time was over I banged on the bathroom door.

"Eros! I need in there!" I complained, my wet hair sticking to me.
"I'm almost done!" He snapped back.

My brother and I have always been close. Expect at school where I refuse to agree that he is my brother. I'm not embarrassed by him, well I am but that's not the reason. I want people to like me for me not the little sister of the captain of the football team.

The bathroom door swung open and knocked me down to the floor.
"Hey!" I yelled at Eros.
He looked around and finally looked down.
"Hey, little sis. What ya doing down there?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"Shut up and help me." I snapped at him sticking my hand out.

He laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me up.

"After football practice some guys are coming over." Eros warned me.
"It's the first day back to school and you have practice?" I questioned him straightening out my clothes.
"It's tryouts. As the captain I have to be there!" He sighed sarcastically.
I slapped his arm, laughing.
"You are so full of your self." I said walking in the bathroom.
"It's the truth!" He called through the door.

I silently laughed as I ran a brush through my thick straight brown hair. I pulled it into a messy bun. I applied some simple makeup and pulled a mint green infinity scarf around my neck. I brushed my teeth humming a familiar tune.

"Pers! 10 minutes till we have to leave!" Eros called through the door.

I opened the door and walked into my room. Grabbed my backpack and my black converse. I always wear converse. I own 16 pairs. I hopped to the kitchen pulling on my shoes.

"Sweetie. Don't hurt yourself." My mom laughed at me.
I sat down on the counter grabbing a chocolate chip muffin.

"Where's Eros?" My mom asked packing his lunch.
Yes, my mom still packs his lunch.
"I don't know but we have to leave soon."

My mom walked out of our small kitchen and yelled down the hall for my brother.
He came running into the kitchen grabbing my muffin out of my hands taking a huge bite.

"Hey! That's my muffin?" I whined.
He stuck his tongue out at me showing the gross pile of mushed up muffin.

"Ew." I laughed grabbing a new muffin.
I grabbed some money for lunch and shoved it into my backpack.
"Eros, we have to go." I said jumping off the counter grabbing my bag.
He nodded grabbing his lunch shoving it in his backpack.
"See ya, mom." I said kissing her cheek.
"Bye, have a good first day of school."
"Bye!" Eros said walking out the front door.

We hopped into my brothers truck. It was an old, beat up Ford truck. I jumped in and buckled up.
I pulled out my book and started reading. I just started reading The Maze Runner. It was so good.

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