The Control Room

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Your POV

"Ben wait!" I marched up to him. "Call off the Guard. She's not who you need to be after - Lydia's promising to be good. She's going to help us locate the ones behind this - Coy Gothel, Rumplestiltskin, and Mother Gothel."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes - you can decide how you want to deal with her, but she's willing to put up with anything if it means she can live here - free."

"Alright then, you can let her go," This resulted in the circle opening up. "Captain, can you escort her to the control room and get an exact location for the three remaining suspects. Wait for my go-to deploy the Guard."

"Yes sir." He responded, followed with a salute and swift exit alongside Lydia, the rest of the guards behind them.

Ben turned to us. "The four of you, you all trust her?" We all replied with a mix of nods and shrugs. "That's not very assuring, but I guess we have no choice." He concluded.

"If the location she provides is correct, then I suppose it's enough to prove her loyalty. However, keeping her on constant watch and supervision for a while couldn't hurt." Uma suggested.

"I'm heading down there right now, do you guys want to come?"

"I have to make a phone call first, but you guys can go. I'll catch up." I want to hear what mom thinks about all this.

Ben, Uma, Johnny, and Harry headed out. Harry was reluctant to part, especially when I had just fainted due to lack of power, but I needed to do this.

I decided to take the call from the roof, it was my best chance at getting away from others who may listen in on the conversation.

I dialled the palace line. "Mom, hey." It was hard to hear what she was saying, but she seemed to be worried. "You're breaking up. Yes, I'm fine."

"Better now?"

"Yeah, I can hear you."

"Sweetie, you aren't hurt, are you?"

"No, not really. Just a little tired, that's all." No time to waste, ask her about it. "Mom, when I talked to you, all that time ago, you were hinting about "magic within me" amongst other stuff. Did you know about the bracelet? And why didn't you tell me? It certainly would have sped things up, don't you think?"

"(Y/N), I did know about the bracelet - but I couldn't do anything more than give you clues about it. Your Baba and I didn't know if it would work for you. Magic, like other things, is genetic. I clearly don't possess any, but my mom - your grandmother - was said to have some. She died too early on for me to know for sure, but rumour has it that she did. And the bracelet would work when you need it most, if you had even the slightest trace of magic in your blood - which, we all know, it did. It skips a generation I guess." She laughed.

"Yeah maybe. But who gave you the bracelet?" I didn't tell her what I heard from Lydia yet, it's probably best to ensure her answers are unbiased.

"That's... a bit of a longer story, but let me sum it up for you. There was this man - surely I've read the story to you before - named Rumplestiltskin. He was an expert in dark magic and was brilliant in producing artifacts and potions for anyone willing to pay the price. "All magic comes with a price" - was his saying. Anyway, Jafar - he didn't want to pay the price."


"Yes, will you let me finish?"

"Right, sorry mom."

"Jafar still wanted Rumplestiltskin's items though, so he employed people - or even Iago - to steal it from him. The bracelet was one of them. Jafar had taken so much that even he lost count, so he never actually used this bracelet. A lot happens, but when your father tricked Jafar into becoming a genie, let's just say that he was able to pay back the price of what he stole to Rumplestiltskin. The bracelet was left behind, and instead of allowing it to rot away on some museum shelf, we kept it aside for you. We knew that if you had magic, you would use it for good. So this item wasn't handed in to Fairy Godmother, and here we are today."

So Lydia was being truthful. "Wow, mom - I had no idea. So she doesn't know I have it?"

"Not yet - it'll be our secret, and whoever you've trusted with the information."

Baba wanted to talk as well, so I decided to have a quick chat with him. He was most concerned about this:

"So (y/n), how did you divert Fairy Godmother from thinking you had magic, to something else? I can imagine she must've been more than a little suspicious."

I explained to him the theory I brought up about "true love's touch".

"Using her story's logic against her - that's my girl. You can get out of any situation with a little background knowledge and quick thinking."

"Don't encourage it Aladdin!" I could hear mom telling him from another room.

"C'mon Jasmine, a little innocent wordplay and suggestion never hurt anyone - it's not like she lied." I laughed, agreeing with Baba. "Always one jump ahead, right honey?" He spoke into the phone.


"Our daughter's gotten into enough messes without your inspiration - we don't want her to get into trouble." Mom continued.

"Trouble? She's only in trouble if she gets caught. Until then, it's just having some plain-old fun."

As much as I enjoyed this, I had to get to the control room. "Mom, Baba? I need to go now. It was nice talking to you, I've missed it."

"Of course, any time - why don't you bring your friends to Agrabah one of these days? I'm sure we have enough rooms to accommodate them."

"Okay, I'm sure they'd be excited!"

"And (Y/N)?" He had one last thing to add. "Please stay out of trouble." I could practically hear him winking through the phone.

I rushed down to the control room.

The dark room lit by the blue light emitted from the dozens of screens was near empty - it was highly guarded and only authorized personnel or friends of said authorized personnel could enter.

Standing around the large screen were Harry, Johnny, Uma, Mal, Ben, Lydia, and... Audrey?

"Why is she here?" I looked at Ben.

"Audrey thought it may do Lydia some good to spend time with a former villain, so I invited her."

"Ben, majority of the people in this room are former villains!" I stopped myself from saying anything else. "But I guess one more person here doesn't make much of a difference. What are we looking at right now?"

"The Guard's about to enter Mother Gothel's tower on the Isle, and according to Lydia, Rumplestiltskin should be in there as well," Johnny informed me. The camera showed us everything in real-time, so that we could stay back in Auradon but still be there.

"This is a corner of the Isle I've never seen - and I've explored everywhere," Harry whispered to me. "I reckon-"

He was cut off by a much too loud, dramatic gasp on Lydia's part.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"It's all... everything's gone!"

I looked at the screen and saw the inside of the tower from one of the guard's perspectives. Every room they entered was absolutely wiped clean. And of course, the two former apprentices were nowhere to be found. 

Just because it's falling action doesn't mean we can't make it exciting! What are Mother Gothel and Rumple up to...?

Please vote and comment as always :) - and thanks for 800 votes!!!

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