The Interviews

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Yes, I did (slightly) change the cover of the book - tell me what you think of it!

Your POV 

"Hey Johnny, what's up?"

"I took your advice and talked to the girl."

"Really? That's great - how did it go?"

"Better than I expected - she was nicer than usual from what I've seen of her - we're going to meet up tomorrow!"

"I knew you could do it!"

"So, what were you up to today?"

"Well, I took Harry to the Enchanted Wood, which was nice for a change - way better than getting kidnapped."

"Oh, I bet." Even though we were just talking on the phone, I could envision his face in my mind.

"Actually I had to ask you about something. You've probably heard the new process for the VKs to come to school here right?"

"I did - and great news - I'm planning on coming to Auradon Prep after all!"

"What made you come around?"

"Well, this is going to sound sort of dumb but... the girl I like? She's coming to Auradon as well."

"You're going to have to introduce me to her when she comes here - you seem pretty moonstruck."

He laughed. "I'm sorry, I cut you off - continue what you were saying."

"Well, I sort of offered to find a way for Harry to not go through the interview process, or at least make it easier since Ben and I are pretty close, but he completely cut me off. He brought up something, and I'm not sure if you've heard it or not, but he told me this motto sort of thing. 'Hooks-'"

"Hooks don't take favours."

"Yes exactly! So that's a pretty real thing I guess."

"Oh absolutely. One time, when we were way younger, I held the door open for Harry's older sister, Harriet. She shoved me out of the way and said 'Hooks don't take favours'."

"Wow, even for holding the door? Wait - isn't everyone on the Isle rotten anyways? Why were you holding the door?"

"Let's just say Harriet is the kind of girl every guy on the Isle wants to hold doors for - she's something else." I never gave much thought to Harry's older sister - I wonder if she's more evil than Harry makes C.J. seem.

"That's - huh I didn't know that."

We talked for a long time, about everything from school to books to the weather. We got along so well, sometimes I wondered if I had met him earlier, in different circumstances... no. I shook away the thought. You're with Harry, and Harry is perfect. Don't forget that.

The next day I got up early and headed for the interviews. I met Uma along the way.

"Hey (y/n), guess what? I talked to Ben, and he said that accommodations would be tight since there's so many VKs coming here, and that we get to share a dorm!"

"Uma, that's amazing! I always hated the fact that the children of royals got ridiculously large rooms to themselves for no reason - now we can share it! We can go to my room one of these days and you can drop off your stuff - this'll be great."

"I can't wait - and by the way - I think someone will be coming by later to bring a second bed."

We entered the room to see Mal and Ben already at their seats.

"Here are the evaluation sheets." Ben handed us stacks of paper. "And the first student should be here in five minutes." I appreciated Ben saying 'student' and not 'VK' - it's about time we all treated them normally.

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