Another Chance

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"Tonight was fun, since the barrier is down, would you.. uhh... like me to give you a tour of the Isle tomorrow? You know, something more than when you came to rescue Ben and Mal." He smiled, and so did I, remembering that night that seemed like a lifetime ago.

We sat on the grass overlooking the river and the Isle. My feet ached after an evening of dancing with this mysterious pirate.

"I guess I don't have anything planned for tomorrow anyways, plus, going to the Isle seems cool. Where do you want to meet?" I totally underplayed my excitement. I can finally get a good look around the Isle! Without the fear of getting snatched by one of Uma's pirates! Then the irony hit me. Just a few months ago I was sword fighting against this pirate - and now I'm voluntarily going to the Isle with him.

"How about I pick you up from Auradon Prep? You're staying there tonight right?"

"Yeah sure, that sounds good. How about you come over at 10?"

"I'll be counting the minutes till then. I'd better head back, villain parents have a strict curfew. See you tomorrow princess." He tipped an imaginary hat at me and walked off into the darkness.

I let out a big yawn - when I checked my watch I couldn't believe how late it was! It was almost midnight, and I had to be in my dorm by 11 - Fairy Godmother's new rules. I'm sure she won't mind if I'm a bit late, plus, I've never broken her curfew rule before.

I hurried towards the school, remembering to pick up the carpet from one of the teachers, who'd agreed to keep it with the coats people dropped off.

The school was eerily quiet, and all the lights had been shut off. I turned on the flashlight from my phone to make my way down the halls. Just as I began to open the door to my room, a figure showed up to my right.

"(Y/N), what are you doing up? Did you have trouble sleeping?" Fairy Godmother had been patrolling the halls. I debated lying about it and admitting to whatever she was suggesting, but decided that telling the truth would have less complications.

"Uh no I actually just came back from the celebration, I totally forgot to keep track of the time. Sorry, it won't happen again," I tried to look as apologetic as I could, not giving away the exciting night I had.

She looked relieved, as if she didn't even care about me breaking the curfew. "Oh, your apology is accepted (y/n) on such a night it can be understood,'' she seemed to be pretending to be angry, "Are you sure you're doing alright? Many students can't sleep after today's events, they're quite anxious about the barrier coming down."

"What? No, I don't have an issue with that," I forced a yawn, "but I think I should be getting to bed. It is late after all."

"Oh yes, of course - but if you ever have any trouble, you come speak to me, kay?"

"Sure, I will, thank you."

With that, she finally began to walk away. I collapsed on my bed and closed my eyes. Was it that big a deal that people aren't being able to sleep over it? How is everyone going to react when they find out I'm going to the Isle with a VK tomorrow?

I forced myself to change out of my uncomfortable clothes and brush my teeth before falling asleep. As much as my mind was racing over today's events, it only took minutes before I was fast asleep.

I woke up to the line in my room ringing. I hope it stops soon. But of course, it didn't.

"Hello, who is it?"

"(Y/N) it's Mal. I have something urgent to discuss with you." Mal has been my friend ever since she came to Auradon, not my very best friend, but someone who was always there when I needed her.

"Ugh, can it wait till later? I was sleeping..." I grumbled.

"No, you have to come over to my room immediately, I'm serious."

"Fine, fine, I'll be there in 10." I rolled out of bed and looked at my shaggy reflection in the mirror. Ugh do I really look like that?

I glanced at the clock, and it read 9:30. Shoot! I have to be ready to meet Harry at 10, and need to get to Mal's in a few - now 8 - minutes!

I ran to the washroom and tidied myself up, putting on a casual - half try hard - outfit. Thankfully my curls remained more or less intact from last night. I grabbed my phone and bag and made towards Mal's room.

I knocked on the door, and there Mal was, looking all dolled up as usual. I checked myself out in her mirror and saw my average blue dress, combat boots, and half tied up hair. I guess it's better than this morning.

"So, what did you want to tell me? And, could you make it quick? I have somewhere I need to be, in like 15 minutes."

"Where do you need to go?"

"Does it matter?" Why is she so tense?

"Whatever, but (y/n), I saw you at the dance yesterday," She looked concerned.

Wait a minute, this isn't about -

"It's about Harry." She blurted out.

I keep forgetting to say this, but if you enjoyed this chapter - or are enjoying this book in general - please let me know by voting on this part (it would mean a lot!).  Thanks for staying with this story!

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