Fall of Gondolin

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It was the beginning of all ages, the creations of Eru Illuvatar and its process founded the secret city of the Elves

"Glory dwelt in that city of Gondolin of the Seven Names, and its ruin was the most dread of all sacks of cities upon the face of the Earth"

Turgon accompanied by Finrod travelled across the hidden valley of Tumladen and across the rich filled plains he founded Gondolin. Upon the completion of the city, Turgon's followers secretly settled in the land and became the Gondolindrims.

Nearly 400 years the seven gates stood on its grounds. Until Maeglin, nephew of King Turgon betrayed its hidden passage to Morgoth in the promise of lordship and marriage with Turgon's daughter, Idril.

Morgoth razed the great city during its festivity of 'The Gates of Summer' sacking the city defenseless

A series of defense the Great Seven Gates endured until the great market.

The last refugees made way for the cleft of the eagles

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