"Can I help you Drake?" I say dully.

"No but I think I can help you." He says jokingly. 

I roll my eye's at him before standing up and going to the kitchen, he stops me.

"you punched Nicki in the face?"  

I laugh.

"Did she say that now? Actually I elbowed her in the face. And she pulled me into another room and told me to stay away from youShe grabbed my arm not letting me go, so I elbowed her in the face. Her nose started to bleed and then I pulled my arm away but she dug her nails into my skin as you can see. Then I left." I explained. "But you're probably going to believe her so anyways, can you leave because I have to call my lawyer. Who knows what Nicki's going to say next." 

He studies me and I look at him.

"Well I believe you. Nicki's never like this... But I think she doesn't like you just because you're a stripper." He says.

"That too. Damn this is why I never hang out with guys, and why I especially don't meet famous rappers causing their side hoes to bitch at me"

"I'm sorry just please don't be mad," He says.

I laugh smiling.

"Oh and by the way my manager says a thank you for helping me last night." he adds.

"Don't thank me and don't you worry, I'm not. Just a little annoyed with Nicki that's it. And we're 'friends with benefits' not a couple. You should tell her that." I say before walking into the bathroom.

He's right behind me. He presses his body to mine and I gasp.

"We're just that?" He asks in my ear.  

"pretty much." I answer backing away from him, fixing my hair in the mirror. 

I try to bandage my wounds and completely fail. He laughs at me before sitting me on the counter, he wraps my wound around with the bandage. I bit my lip trying not to whine but it hurt.

"There done" He says. "Does it hurt?"

"Like a bitch" I say.

I hopped off the counter and walking into my room. Drake behind me.

"So are you leaving?" I ask while grabbing my books.

"No. I'm staying right here." He says.


I grab a pencil and head into the living room. I bend down setting my books down. Drake pressed himself against me again, making me gasp a little. I turn around and he kisses me. His lips soft on mine. I kiss him back but immediately pull away. I've only known this guys for two days but fuck I wanted him. He looks stunned and I smirk. He thinks just because hes Drake I'm going to just let him kiss me.

"What you're just going to leave me like that.?" He asks.

I wink before laughing and walking into the kitchen. He stops me.

"Not happening. Drake get's what he wants." 

"Well not anymore, Drake." I say before looking at him.

He grabs my hands pinning them on the wall. He kisses me and I kiss him back.

"Call me Aubrey. And that's better." He says.

Aubrey tries to kiss me again but I shake my head and come to my senses. What am I doing? 

"Whats wrong?" he asks.

"Aubrey I just met you. I know almost nothing about you and we're already making out. I may be a stripper but doesn't mean I'm a whore." I say.  "I don't even KNOW you yet..."

 "But you know you want to..." Aubrey says before kissing me. 

I kiss him back savoring his lips. I pull away. 

"I think you should go." I say looking away. 

He nods frowning before backing away from me.

"I get it. It's fine. I actually have to go..." Aubrey says.

"Well, you know where to find me." I say before opening the door for him. 

He leaves and I close the door.

"I knew it." I whisper before tearing up.

He only wanted to get in my pants. Fuck. See Bethany, this is why you should never get interested in a guy

Drake's P.O.V.

I'm Drake! I don't have to wait for no girl to want to do something with me... Bethany was just another stripper... Another hoe... 

What am I saying?? 

She didn't want to kiss me that's it. She's more than a stripper so I can't say that. She makes me feel like no one ever does. I haven't felt like this since... I dont even know. 

What the fuck Aubrey you just met her, shit.

I sit in my car not knowing what to do... Next thing I know im dialing Nicki

"Hello?" She answers with her thick accent. 

A/N: Thanks for reading! Please be sure to comment and vote like always. Can he get any cuter? (Aubrey) I think not.. 

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