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Beth's P.O.V

"Is everything going well Esmeralda?" My boss flirts attempting to say my name with a spanish accent. 

Mark, my boss, is the owner of the strip club called La Escondida and right in the 'heart' of L.A. Esmeralda is my stage name and my middle name, but no one really knows and it's not important.

"Going great Mark." I replied sarcastically while applying my make-up.

"Since youre the star of this place, I need you to do me a favor." He says.

By star he meant "star". Basically thirsty guys (everyone who came here was thirsty really) came here to see mainly me dance. Mark just likes to over-exaggerate and call me a star.

"Do I even have a choice?" 

"Not really. Estrella won't be coming tonight so I need you to cover for her."

"Is that it?"

"Not quite. It's a private one so its in the other room. If you screw up and don't impress my, special clients, you'll pay up everything I've loaned you for that stupid school of yours. And you'll be fired. Understood?"

"Your wish is my command.."

"Great! That's the spirit! You're on in 5!" 

And with that he turned around and left. I stood up and fixed my outfit.

"Esmeralda!? What are you doing here!? Shouldn't you be studying? Your finals are coming up soon." 

Dianna Garcia. Who to me was like an older sister. She's 2 years older than me and she's been here for 4 years. She liked to call me Esmeralda, it was rare of her to call me Bethany or Beth. She usually only called me that when she was serious.

"Yeah nice too see you too.." I answer sarcastically. 

She rolls her eyes. 

"And one, school JUST started smart ass, two, you know I need the money."

"But you nnnneeeeeddd to graduate!" She exclaims.

"But I neeeeed the money, and I'm going to work for it." 

Dianna sighs giving me her pity look.

"Don't you dare look at me like that." 

She knew that I hated that. It's like someone saying hey, you're fucked and there's nothing you can really do, good luck!! She shook her head.


"I'll see you after." I tell Dianna before going onto the stage.

Today was Thursday meaning there wasn't too many people in here. But as I walked on the stage I noticed a lot more people were here today, and a group of about 10 people sitting at a table near the stage. They looked important.. I looked at them and my eye's fell on one. He didn't notice me. He smiled and laughed at a joke they were telling.

"Introducing Esmeraldaaa!"

The light shone on me and the music started which got their attention. Some men whistled. I closed my eye's as I danced to the rhythm of the music. I opened my eye's and looked at them. They were all looking at me. Well, staring. I keep dancing ignoring the fact that all eye's were on me.

Practice *Aubrey Drake Graham*Where stories live. Discover now