I had heard enough. It infuriated me, the way he spoke about her, about sleeping with her. Whether it was true or not it rattled my bones, the rage took over me and I stormed up to his group.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

*Analia's POV*

As me and Luna were walking out of a dreadfully long transfiguration class, a first year bolted past with a group of about five hot on his heels screaming "Fight".

Curious and bored we followed the excited young ones around the corner and were met with a large crowd of people gathered around two masculine figures wrestling on the ground.

Screams from the girls and chants from the boys echoed in the hallway protected by a silencing charm that a sixth year had cleverly cast to prevent professors from hearing.

Being 5'3 and at the back of a hoard of senior boys means I couldn't see who was in the middle of the circle so I turned to Luna who, too, was blankly staring at the backs of peoples heads wondering what this was all about. I give her a nod that I'd seen enough and wanted to go when I overheard a third year snicker to her friend and say something that made my heart drop.

"Malfoy's gonna kill him if he doesn't stop."

My blood ran cold at the mention of his name. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd to see if it was true, if he was really the one at the centre of all this.

I stopped and gasped as I saw Draco on top of Cormac punching his face into the ground. There was blood everywhere and Draco had clearly taken a few hits as well, how someone hasn't stopped it yet shocked me. It looked like they had been fighting for a while now.

"Say it again, say she was a bet" Draco spat in Cormac's face, his words filled with hate and anger,

"I thought she'd be an easy fuck." Cormac said back, "She's not worth this though." With that Draco slammed his head into the ground. He couldn't take much more of this.

"Draco, what the hell are you doing?" A familiar voice shouted at the two boys on the floor. Camille watched in horror as he ignored her. She shot me a look and mouthed something that resembled "Do something."

"Get the fuck off him." I scream as Draco's eyes met mine. He hadn't noticed I was watching and it took him by surprise.

Cormac saw this as an opportunity and pushed Draco off him, landing two punches to Draco's face.

"No, Stop it." I shouted over the top of peoples cheers, I grab Cormac's arm stopping him from growing any more punches. He shook my hand away and is dragged back onto the floor by his friends.

With the help of Camille, Draco stood up, shaking his fists in anticipation. He was filled with adrenaline as his eyes found mine, I pleaded with him to leave Cormac alone.

He and kicked Cormac one last time before saying "You don't ever talk or look at her again."

He walked past me, out of the crowd, taking my wrist and dragging me out with him. He held my wrist tight enough that it started to sting.

"Draco, stop, you're hurting me." I yelled, I look down to his hand, it was red, swollen and covered in blood, I didn't know who's blood but there was a lot of it.

We reach an empty corridor and he finally lets my wrist go, it had a faint red mark growing in the shape of his hand, I tried to massage it away but it hurt too much.

"What the hell was that all about?" I shouted as he turned to face me.

"What else was I supposed to do, he was talking shit." He looked angrier than I've ever seen him before.

"You couldn't have just walked past? Ignored him? It would've avoided a fist fight-" He cut me off with a shake of the head and stepped closer.

"Is it true?" He looked me dead in the eyes trying to change the subject.

"Don't try and derail the conversation." I retorted back.

"Just... Is it true?" He asked again, raising his voice.

"Is what true?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You and him, last night. Did you fucking sleep with him?"

"Just like I slept with you?" His face dropped and he fell silent. "Why the hell did you tell him we hooked up?"

"You were a bet to him." He scoffed

"Don't try and change the subject again Malfoy, you told him we hooked up because you were jealous."

"Of him?" He raised his eyebrows and almost let out a laugh but choking it back at the last second.

"Yes of him."

"Ana I was not jealous of McLaggen, I knew you were always mine." He smirked as his cockiness made my eyes roll.

"Really because that's news to me, last time I checked I was my own bloody person."

"Just tell me you didn't sleep with him." He said cupping my face, bringing it closer to his.

"Get off Draco. Why does it even matter anymore?"

"Is that a yes?" He asked dropping his eyes to the floor, looking hurt by my answer.

"No, Draco, it's none of your business but since you like to make stuff up, you can think whatever the hell you want." I tried turning away when Draco takes my waist and spins me back round to face him.

"Be mine Ana." He says pleading. "I don't want to see you with anyone else."

"Of all times to ask you choose now? Unbelievable." I shook his hands off me and walked away without looking back, my wrist throbbing and tears settling into the ducts of my eyes.

I left him, stranded, the further I went the faster I started going, until I was racing with the water droplets that were threatening to fall.

Word Count - 1724

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