"I'm coming back to this. But ok"

By now Niall has already finished his meal and Harry has taken a fork and is sharing mine.

"I booked a place for our date by the way" he whispered in my ear.

"Oh. Were?"
"Just a place for dinner, you'll love it. Trust me"
"Did you bring a nice dress?"
"Of course I did."
"Be ready for 7" then he walked away and sat with Louis and Niall who were now playing with his guitar.


"Yes darling"
"Ha. Hi, I need you to zip me up."
"That's alright, are you excited."
The boys knew about mine and Harry's relationship, or whatever you want to call it. We didn't hide it very well, so there was no point in denying it to them.

"Breath woman. It's only Harry" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"I know, but I've been waiting for him to ask me out for ages, now he finally has. What if it goes wrong?"

"It'll be fine. Just go on. Have fun for once"
"I have fun!"
"Yeh, when we force you."
I swatted his chest and walked out the room towards the living area and put my phone into my purse.

"You look lovely." I lifted my head to see Harry in a black suit, no tie with the top
Buttons open and his blazer undone.

"You look handsome"
"Ready to go?"
I took his arm and we got into the back of a black car.

"Were are we going, your not gonna kidnap me are you?"
"No. But that's a good idea, then I'd have you all to myself."
He kissed my temple and stroked my hand.

"Right. Put this on"
"Your joking"
He handed me a black blindfold.
"No. We're here so hurry"
I put it on and he lead from the car, up some stairs and the floor wasn't very even. God why did he let me wear these shoes?

"Ok. Take it off"
I removed the cloth and looked out at what was the beautiful Italian skyline at sunset from INSIDE the collosium.

He was still holding my hand as I took a step forward to eat a better look.

I heard a click and looked behind me.

"I wanted to get a photo of us when you saw this, I thought it was be nice."

One of our guards nick handed Harry his phone back and he smiled a thank you before they left us to our evening.

"This is amazing, but you said we were having dinner and I don't was got know how much you spent on this." I looked at his sternly, he knows I don't like him spending too much money on me. He's tried it before.

"We are having a dinner and I don't care"
He led me to a table set at the opening to one of the archways. Obviously put there just for us. On it was two plates of food covered by a silver dome.

"Bon a petite."

I giggled and began to eat my meal. This was perfect.

He, was perfect.

"Thank you Harry"
"Your more than welcome.

Grace, I love so much. I know it's fast, and we arnt even dating yet but I know that's how I feel because I don't feel it often. And I talked to the boys and they agree your something different. Your funny, beautiful, smart and kind and my best friend. I love you so much."

I was smiling all over. "I love you so much too"

"Will you be my girlfriend."
I don't know what to say.

"I know this is kinda a big thing because you'll be in the media more, but I promise I'll protect you. And I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just had to ask. And if you do we don't have to go public straight away, even though I think they already gues-"

"Harry stop. I want to be your girlfriend. Yes."
"Are you sure?"

"God i'm sure, I love you. And you know the media doesn't bother me. I know it'll be hard but all relationships are hard. For all I care we can go and tell everybody right now because I want everyone to know how much I love you."

His smile Was bigger than I had ever seen it before, and he smiles a lot.

He didn't say anything but he came over to my side of the table and pushed his lips against mine. My body set on fire and it took me a minute, but I responded to the kiss and when his tongue asked for entrance I granted it.

I swear we stayed at it for minutes. As we slowed down Harry smiled into the kiss.
"This has to be the best night of my life."
We were still so close. I rested my head on his.
"And mine"

One direction- the reunion Where stories live. Discover now