Chapter Twelve

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Harry dropped to his knees on the damp, cold grass as he placed the black box in front of him. His fingers were shaking as he opened the lid. He was so intent on finding death that he didn't hear Draco's cries coming from the Manor. Nor could he hear Tom and his friends yelling as they raced to him across the field. Harry heard nothing, as all he could see was the dagger he was aiming at his heart. He smiled in relief and plunged the dagger down towards him.

The girls watched in horror as Harry smiled and brought Draco's dagger down, and cried out in relief when Tom tackled the Gryffindor to the ground and grabbed his hand before the dagger could reach its mark. Harry immediately began to fight, continuing to try and drive the knife into his chest.

Hermione whipped out her wand and pointed it at Harry. "Immobulus!"

Harry stopped moving and Tom easily got the dagger out of his hand. "We have to get Harry and Draco together as quickly as possible. They can only be stopped by knowing the other is alive and well."

"Bring him inside." 

Luna was standing at the edge of the forest looking as mysterious as usual, but now the dazed look in her eyes was gone. 

"Luna?" Ginny whispered.

"I'll explain later, just bring Harry inside!" 

When Harry was back in the Manor, Luna led the group to a spare guest room with Draco already in it. The blond's screams had quieted down a bit.

Tom placed Harry on the bed and looked at Luna.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Luna simply nodded and leaned over the two soulmates.

"We need some way to strengthen their bond and make them realize that they're safe." Luna wrapped Draco's arms around Harry, and the two relaxed a little.

"I know!" Hermione cried. "In the book Remus gave the two, it said if a soulmate bond is broken, which is very rare, the two families have to bond. Not in a romantic way, but just get along with each other."

Luna nodded. "That's a brilliant idea, Hermione. So Draco's father and Harry's aunt and cousin have to bond. That might be a little difficult though."

"And I think we should let them bond on their own, because you can't just force people to like each other." Ginny stated.

Tom put Draco in a binding spell as well so he couldn't try to hurt himself anymore. Lucius came in with Dudley and Petunia because all the noise had woken the two visitors up.

Dudley gasped and ran to Draco's side. "What happened to him?! Is he alright?"

Tom ripped the boy off of Draco and glared at him. "Don't touch them."

Lucius tapped Luna on the shoulder. "Miss. Lovegood, are they doing okay? Did you find a way to help them out of this?"

The Ravenclaw decided a small lie wouldn't hurt. "They seem to be asleep right now, but we still didn't find a way to help them." 

Lucius sighed and slumped down in a chair. Dudley and his mother sat on the other side of the room.

"Err, Mr. Malfoy? What happened to them?" Petunia asked timidly.

"Since Harry and Draco have a soulmate bond, if one of them dies the other does too. And somebody probably used a false memory charm to make them think each other died. So now they're trying to kill themselves and we have to find a way to reconnect their bond."

Nobody said anything else for the rest of the night. None of them got any sleep either, since the two soulmates were still begging for death.

The next morning, Lucius woke up to his son thrashing around and screaming for Harry. Severus and Tom rushed in to see Draco pointing Lucius's wand at his head.


Tom and Severus lunged forwards just in time to yank the wand away as Draco whispered the second word that would have killed him, and sent the curse towards the ceiling.

"Remove all wands and other weapons from the room! Now!" Tom ordered, still trying to keep Draco from moving.

"Lucius collected all of the wands and rushed out of the room. He slammed the door closed and slid down to the floor.

"Mr. Malfoy! Are you alright?" Hermione asked as she ran over to the shaking blond. Lucius looked at her with a terrified look.

"Draco, he... He tried to kill himself with my wand... With the killing curse. He- He nearly succeeded! I can't go back there, Hermione!"

None of the people outside the guest room had ever seen Lucius show so much emotion. Hermione handed the wands to Ginny, Blaise and Pansy.

"Come on, Mr. Malfoy. Let's go to a different room."

"But I can't leave-"

Hermione firmly grasped Lucius's hand, pulling him up and away from the room.

Back inside, Draco was still struggling with his restrainers.

"Get off me! Get off! I need my Harry!" He shouted. "He's gone! I need to go too!"


The next few days went by in a blur. Harry and Draco were the same. There had to be someone beside them at all times so they didn't try to do anything. The only good news was that Lucius and the Dursleys were getting along a little.

Hermione decided she should call Sirius and Remus since they were Harry's godfathers. She sent a patronus message to them, though it was hard since there were no good memories that week. When the older wizards arrived, they immediately went to the room Harry and Draco were staying in.

"Harry..." Sirius whispered. He ran his fingers through the brunette's hair.

Hermione and Ginny explained to Sirius and Remus about everything that had happened with Dumbledore. Sirius already knew Harry and Draco were soulmates since Remus told him, but neither knew how Dumbledore manipulated all of them. When the girls were finished, Sirius was furious.

"That old bastard! I'll kill him when I see him next!" He roared.

"Alright, Sirius. I think we all want that. But for now, just focus on Harry and Draco." Remus muttered with his face in his hands. He couldn't believe that the man he worked for was the killer of two of his best friends. 

Sirius took a deep breath and nodded. He was still mad, of course. But he knew his boyfriend was right. Their godson was more important.

"Hermione, can we stay here at the Manor? I don't think me or Remus want to be away from Harry." Hermione nodded.

"Of course. And I can introduce you guys to some of our new allies."

Just then, Lucius walked in with Petunia and Dudley. They froze when they saw Sirius.

"Sirius Black? Is that you?" Petunia gasped. 

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