Chapter Four

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So of course, Draco and Harry had to explain to Lucius about how they found out about the soulmate bond and that they were together now. But Harry told Draco to leave out the part about the letter he got. The blonde reluctantly agreed.

When they were finished, all of the death eaters in the room were staring at them except for Severus and Tom, somehow.

"So, let me get this straight. My son, the son of the number one death eater, is soulmates with the Harry Potter?" Lucius finally choked.

Draco nodded and Severus scoffed.

"Lucius, I'm sure that I am the number one death eater, not you. I have done far more things as a spy than you have."

The two adults started an argument, and Harry thought it was funny they were bickering at each other like children. He couldn't help but let out an amused snort. Draco grinned down at his mate when all heads turned their direction.

"And what exactly do you find funny, Potter?" Bellatrix hissed, narrowing her eyes at the Gryffindor.

But Harry's glare far surpassed hers and scowled at her when she backed away. He hated her for trying to kill Sirius, and that she nearly succeeded!

Tom looked at Harry with a surprised look in his eyes. Bellatrix was usually very determined, and nothing or no one could get her to back away from a challenge. Except for Tom himself, of course.

Bellatrix harrumphed and turned to Tom.

"My Lord, what is HE doing here? And what do you need him for? Anything you need, surely I can help you with it!"

"Bellatrix, I need Harry and Draco for this next task. You will be of no use to me right now." Tom snapped back.

"Get it over with, Tom! I don't want to be in the same room with you for any longer!" Harry grumbled, plopping down in a chair. Draco sat beside him.

"So impatient, Potter. Fine. I need you and Draco to get my old body back. And I know that since you have a soulmate bond, it makes you very powerful and you can do things others can't." Tom said.

Harry and Draco gawked at him. Did he really expect them to do that?!

"And before you say no like you obviously will, I said I was willing to make a deal with you two. Do you want to hear it?"

"Fine. Let's hear this... deal." Draco sighed.

Tom smirked. He knew that the two young ones would be interested. "You two have a muggle born friend, and as you know, I don't like muggles. But I've seen her in action and she has proved herself very powerful," he said. "The deal is that if you help me get my new body back, I will stop trying to rid the world of all muggles and muggle borns. Only the very horrible ones."

He was shocked that Harry and Draco actually considered it.

"You will take a Wizard's Oath, stating that you will not hurt any more innocent muggles or Wizards. I don't want me or Harry having the fear of being killed any time we're around you." Draco stated. Harry nodded along with him.

"Very well." Tom replied. The three of them moved to the center of the room and made a circle. They made sure that none of them could betray the others, (namely, Tom) by going psycho and killing everyone that gets in their way.

When they were finishing taking the oath, Harry wondered why the Bloody Hell were they doing this?! Voldemort killed his parents! He tried to kill Harry so many times! But it seemed to Harry that Voldemort got a little of his consciousness back.

"Professor, can we leave now? I don't want to be here any longer." Harry said meeky. Severus nodded and apparated them away, after he gave one final bow to Tom.

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