Chapter Eleven

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"Draco, I feel kind of weird." Harry called from the Slytherin bathroom. He decided to take a bath after the long Hogsmeade trip.

"What is it, love?" Draco called back. He walked into the room and gazed down at his lover.

"I don't know. My back kind of hurts..." That was the last thing he said before everything went back. He could hear Draco calling his name, but he couldn't move. His body was numb and it felt like something was ripping out of his back.

When Harry regained consciousness, he was sitting in Draco's bed at Malfoy Manor. He looked around to see his friends, Tom and Draco sitting around him. Lucius and Severus were talking to Althea, and Dudley and Petunia were at the back of the room,

"What happened?" Harry asked groggily. Draco was immediately at his side with an amazed look on his face.

"Harry, your wings are out! Look!" Harry gasped and ran to a mirror. He had beautiful black wings with emerald green tips, just like his hair and eyes. They were feathery and felt just like a blanket wrapped around him.

"Wow..." He whispered. He twisted his body to get a better look. Each wing was about half a meter and Harry knew he would have to adapt to the feel of them. He looked at his friends with a blinding smile.

"This is awesome!" He cried. Hermione nodded.

"I've been reading more about soulmates, and apparently, the wings release something that makes the dominant go crazy. Some type of pheromone." She said awkwardly. Harry blushed.

"Thanks Hermione."

While Harry and his friends were having a good time in Malfoy Manor, a certain old Wizard was plotting.

I need to get rid of Potter and Malfoy as quickly as possible. But how? Their soulmate bond makes them stronger than before! Dumbledore thought. Suddenly, he had an idea.

If one dies, then the other does too. He cast a patronus message to Ron ordering him to come to the office. Not much later, the redhead arrived.

"What is it, headmaster? Did you find a way of getting rid of Potter and Malfoy?" 

Dumbledore nodded and began telling his plan.

It was night time at Malfoy Manor and Harry and Draco were sleeping, along with everybody else. Except for Morana. She was resting on a nightstand beside Harry. For some strange reason, she had a feeling that something was wrong.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of red from the window. She slithered over just in time to see someone with a strange face pop away. Morana decided that she should warn her master about it.

She went over to Harry and flicked her tongue out at him. The Gryffindor woke up, but his eyes were dull. It looked as if there was no more life in him.

Harry got out of the bed and walked over to Draco's closet. He went in and came out holding a small black box. Without saying anything, he apparated away leaving Morana very confused and worried.

There was a scream from behind her. Draco started thrashing around in the sheets and was whimpering for Harry.

"Harry... No! Don't leave me!" Morana tried to wake Draco up, but it seemed as if he was in a deep

sleep that he couldn't wake up from.

Morana didn't understand the blond's words, but she knew something was wrong.

Though the Manor was full of visitors, it was very late and everyone was sleeping. She turned down a corner and arrived at Tom's guest room. She began banging her head against the door to get her mother's master.

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