Chapter Three

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Harry began telling about how the Dursleys treated him. Draco already knew, so he just put a comforting arm around his mate. Harry saw the anger rising in Hermione and Ginny's eyes, but was surprised to see the same thing in Snape's.

Severus might have acted like he hated Harry, but how could he? He was Lily's son! How could he be treated like that?! Filthy muggles.

And when Harry was finished telling them about his home life, he told them that he had tried to go to Dumbledore for help. But the old wizard had just said it was some teenage phase he was going through.

"He told me that I had an active imagination and I never told anyone else about it again." Harry finished. He looked up from his hands.

He never told Draco about this part, so he was surprised as well.

"Well then. We won't tell Dumbledore about this then." The blonde growled.

The rest nodded and sat in silence for a while. Draco noticed that it was uncomfortable for Harry, so he stood up, pulling his mate with him.

"We're gonna go now, okay?" Harry nodded and started walking towards the door. Hermione and Ginny followed shortly after.

When they were out the door, Hermione and Ginny pulled Harry into a bone crushing hug.

"I can't believe you had to go through that!" Hermione cried.

"I'm fine, guys." Harry muttered, trying to detangle himself from the embrace.

"Go through what?" Came an annoying voice. Weasley.

Ronald came up to the four and sneered in disgust when he saw Harry's ears and tails.

"You look like a freak. No wonder your parents died. I wouldn't want a child like YOU."

Harry let out a whimper. Ron knew that his parents were a sensitive topic to him. Hermione did too.

"Shut up, Ronald! You're being an idiot! This is why I broke up with you! You've always been jealous of Harry! How many times has he told you that he doesn't like all the attention?!" Hermione shouted.

"Potter gets everything he wants! His life is perfect! He doesn't have to worry about ANYTHING!"

"My life is perfect?! Is that what you really think?! I don't have to worry about anything?! What about some crazy psycho Dark Lord that's planning to kill me?! Or the pressure on me that the entire Wizarding world is depending on me to save them! You clearly don't know anything about my actual life. If you were ever a good friend, you would notice!" Harry ranted before stomping away.

Draco shot a death glare at Ronald before chasing after Harry.

Ginny and Hermione left without saying another word.


Harry locked himself in a stall in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. He felt tears prickling his eyes. What happened to Ron? His best mate? The one he thought would be loyal to him forever?

Harry never thought Ron would be homophobic, since he never showed any signs of it towards the LGBTQ+ community.

Myrtle appeared beside Harry and asked him what was wrong.

"Harry, dear, what's wrong with you? You don't look too well..." She asked, concerned.

"I'm fine Myrtle."

Draco ran into the bathroom then and looked around for his mate. "Harry, where are you? Are you okay?"

Harry went out of the stall and into Draco's waiting arms. All he wanted was to be with his lover.

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