Chapter One

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It all started that day. When none other than Draco Malfoy was following a certain brunette Gryffindor to the sixth floor. 

Why? Well, it happened at dinner that day. Owls were coming in with post and an owl that no one recognized flew to the Gryffindor table and landed in front of the boy who lived. No one really paid attention to this except Draco.

Harry took one look at the letter and his eyes widened. He took off running from the table, ignoring the weird looks his housemates gave him. That's when Draco decided to take off after him.

Now we're back here. Harry went into the disused bathroom, Draco following behind. The smaller boy took a deep breath and opened the letter, which the blonde recognised as a howler.

A howler?! Who would be sending THE Harry Potter a howler?! Draco thought. He was suddenly very interested.

When Harry opened the smoking red letter, the bathroom was filled with a booming voice that made both boys cringe.

"HAH! I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO SEND THESE, BOY! I just wanted to tell you that I hope you're having a terrible year so far."

Heh. Terrible doesn't even BEGIN to describe this year. My 'friends' Have turned their backs on me, and I'm probably gonna die this year. Harry thought glumly.

The letter continued. "Remember that when you get home, your cupboard will be waiting for you!"

Cupboard?! What is this person talking about?! Draco wondered.

"Me and Dudley have missed you as our punching bag! This is your last year at the freak school, right? You're never going back! You'll have nowhere to run to!" The person sending the howler let out a horrible cackle that had Harry shuddering.

...Freak? PUNCHING BAG?! Is he being... No. He can't be. He's Harry bloody Potter! Everyone loves him!

When the letter turned to ash in the Gryffindor's hands, Draco was ready to insult Potter about it. But somehow, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Am I serious right now?! I can't even tease Potter about something?! Merlin, what type of Malfoy am I? He thought with disbelief.

Harry ran a hand through his hair, which was what he did when he was stressed or worried about something. He looked into the mirror and let out a sigh.

"I miss you mum and dad..."

Suddenly, he let out a horrible scream.

Draco watched as Harry fell to the ground clutching his head. The brunette was moaning and writhing in pain. Draco suddenly had the urge to go help him, but he didn't for obvious reasons. Then, Harry started to change. He began growing wolf ears and a tail!

Is Harry a werewolf?!

He was, in fact. Harry never told anyone, but in 3rd year, Remus accidentally scratched him during his own transformations. That's why Harry was like this. But he wasn't a normal werewolf. He didn't transform when it was a full moon, but only when he was sad or scared about something.

When Harry stopped changing, his screams became faint whimpers and he curled up on the ground. But unfortunately for Draco, Harry sensed him there.

"Who's there?! Come out!"

The blonde sighed. He walked out from behind the stalls.

Harry whimpered again and began backing away from him. Draco saw the fear in his eyes.

"You-you're a werewolf? How? Why?!"

Harry's ears flattened against his head. "Don't yell... Don't yell at me!"

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