t w e n t y - s e v e n

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"Oh no, Gray, it was under the box--"

"It's okay, it's okay, I was just worried." You rubbed your forehead.

"Did you come to see if I was--" He nodded and you sighed. "Oh shit, Gray, I'm sorry-- I didn't hear it go off--"

"It's okay, don't worry about it." You sighed and he walked over to you. "Gave me an excuse to leave anyway-- I should probably text E that you're alright."

"Did he worry too?" Gray smiled. "Oh man, I'm sorry."

"Well, we're ought to think something's off when you don't answer your phone." You sighed. "It's okay, as long as you're good-- whatcha looking at?"

"Found our yearbook," you sighed, looking at it. He looked over. He cringed as he stared at his picture. "We look so dumb."

"Correct, let's burn those." You laughed, closing it and putting it in the storage box you'd decided to use. "I always forget me and E were in the grade above."

"No, we're keeping them." He smiled, hands on his hips as he looked around. "I've looked through almost everything except those shelves there-- I can't reach, even with a chair." He laughed.

"That rhymed." You smiled.

"Those are garbage, and those you have to look through to see if you need," you said, showing him your piles. "And I didn't touch your workout stuff over there so don't worry." He smiled.

"Okay, I'll check those tomorrow or something." You nodded.

"Are you going back to work?" you asked. He thought for a moment and shrugged.

"Nah, I'll stay until someone calls and needs me." You smiled. "Do you want me to get those for you?" he asked, pointing at the shelves.

"Some of them don't need to be taken down," you said, leading him there. "Just-- Gray!" You felt him lift you and you laughed.

"Just grab the stuff you need. You grabbed the things you knew you had to look through before asking him to put you down. "You're welcome," he said, once you were on your own feet.

"Thank you." You set everything down, staring at the mess you made. You tied your hair up with the hair tie on your wrist and frowned, shaking your head. "I have lots to do before tonight."

"Tonight-- oh right," he said with a nod. "Well, four hands work faster than two." You smiled.

You cleaned together, laughing and joking around as you put things away, your pile for the trash growing as the two of you finally decided to let a few things go. You packed up your pictures of Ethan and you to look at years later when things were better. You still saw Gray glance at them, an uneasy look on his face until you picked up one of you and him, staring at it for a lot longer than you'd needed to.

"My mom said our wedding album's coming through soon," he said. You raised your eyebrows. "Yeah, the-- the framed pictures are already at her house." You nodded.

"Well, are we gonna go there to get them?"

"Cam's baby shower's soon too, so I thought we could get them then?" You nodded. "Should I book flights?"

"Sure," you said with a nod. "Does she have a date and stuff picked?" He shrugged.

"I think she said in a few weeks-- I'll call and ask." You nodded and smiled, pushing a box to the side of the wall. "Hey," he said after some time. You looked over, stretching your arms.


"You don't have to come tonight." You waited for him to finish. "If it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to come-- it's okay. It shouldn't matter what everyone thinks, I know you support me in what I do and that's all that should matter, right?" You smiled.

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